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the silloette sat down in her office as she looked up at all the security camera screens infront of her, she was still shocked by the fact that a few people have found an entrance to the next floor down, but what shocked her even more was that now she was witnessing the small group that had already found it and were telling the others to go with them.

she wasn't originally planning to do this, but judging by how things are like right now, she knew she had to do it.

she had to talk with her subjects again.

slowly, the silloette pressed a few buttons, causing a bunch of screens to turn on across the upper floor of the facility, all of them showing her sitting near the exact same desk that everyone saw her near when they woke up.

a few people were muttering in confusion, a few were scared, and some were even slightly angry or sad.

"good evening, everyone, it may be surprising for me to talk with you again but I am here to make an announcement" the silloette said as everyone looked up at the screens.

"you see, due to a sudden event, it appears that a few of you have found an entrance to the next floor of the facility here, while I was not expecting anybody here to find such a thing, that doesn't mean I was not prepared for it to happen, and as such, I command you to go to the area and use the opened entrance to enter floor 5" the silloette explained.

"..why do I feel like this is a trap?" Peter mumbled a bit while looking up at a screen in an office room.

"please be warned however, the next floor below is quite different to this upper floor here, floor five contains multiple large containment units that may seem to look like the outside world with all its lush greenery and plants, but they are merely homes for some of our bigger R.O.B subjects, along with a few insect species" the silloette said.

"bigger? how could these damned things get any bigger then that giant cube that killed Bobby?!" Pippa said in surprise.

"now that I have explained what to expect when you enter the next floor, I demand for you to go to the opened entrance now, not proceeding to do so will lead to direct extermination.." as soon as the silloette finished saying that last menacing sentence, the screens turned black.

wally looked up at one of the black screens with confusion, he thought that the silloette was never going to talk with anybody here ever since they first had woken up, so why did it almost sound like the silloette was trying to help them escape via going down to the next floor?

regardless, wally had began to walk to where the area was with freya nearby him, he had heard the silloette saying that "not proceeding to do so will lead to direct extermination" and remembered that he had a giant machine gun shoved into his face when he first woke up, so he knew it would be best to do as the silloette said unless he wanted to risk getting hundreds of holes in his chest.

eventually, wally had found himself infront of a pair of opened doors along with everyone else, he counted the group and could only see around..15 people?

obviously, he would know there would atleast be one person missing here considering that Leo had already been turned into leafy, so why did it seem like their group had a quarter missing?

soon, something clicked.

he counted everyone in the group and quickly realised..






OBJECTED DRIPPINGS (a bfdi TF saga) (ARC ONE)Where stories live. Discover now