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The metallic lab floor clanked loudly as both Micheal and Paula ran through a random hall in a panic, both of them had heard a nightmarish screaming from another room they were near and thought another one of those slimy object monsters was inside, but they never realised they had just ran away from Bella, who had suffered an agonizing transformation into bubble and was trying to call for help.

"oh god..is it- is it gone?" Micheal said as both him and Paula had ran into another larger room, both of them could feel sweat dripping down their faces due to the sheer amount of running they did.

"i-i think so..I don't hear it anymore" Paula responded while breathing heavily.

after Micheal wiped a bit of sweat off his forehead, his eyes suddenly noticed he had ran into what appeared to be some kind of break room, there were broken coffee mugs, ripped up motivational posters, and-

oh yeah, there was also a whole fucking human skeleton in the corner.

"OH MY GOD!" Paula said in shock after seeing the skeleton, while it didn't look fresh there were old blood stains on the bones.

"this is becoming too much for me, we need to get out of here!" paula said loudly with fear in her voice, before she could run out however, she noticed Micheal had opened up a random folder.

"hold on, what's this?" Micheal said as Paula looked at him with concern.

"micheal, there is a FUCKING CORPSE in here! why are you so calm about this?!" Paula said with a sense of anger in her voice, Micheal move to another page in the folder in which Paula swore she witnessed micheals eyes start shining with a certain kind of delight that could only be linked to one cause.

Paula looked at the page Micheal was looking at and found her suspicions were correct.

inside the page was a bunch of random sciency words that Paula didn't fully understand along with a bunch of images of different birds like parrots, but there was one picture that Paula knew was the reason why Micheal looked so happy right now.

below a line of text saying "MAIN INSPIRATION", there was a picture of the contestant match, a character that Micheal adored to an unhealthy extent.

"Micheal, stop staring at that, we need to get out of here!" Paula said.

"right! just uh..give me a minute, I need to do something real quick.." Micheal then looked around a bit before his eyes caught a pair of scissors on a table, he grabbed them and quickly went to crudely cut the image of match out of the paper before shoving it into his pocket.

"..you must be joking Micheal, there is no way your obsession with a sapient match has made you stoop to such lows, don't you realise our humanity and our minds are at stake here?! if we make any wrong moves here we are dead!" Paula said angrily.

"listen, ok? this place has been stressing me out to high hell, can't I atleast have something related to my beloved match on me at all times to admire?" Micheal said.

"listen, Micheal, I was already concerned about your obsession with that damned cartoon match ever since I saw you on the computer repeatedly watching the same short scene over and over again, I was only trying to help you last week when I kept the computer turned off for a day, but with the way your acting here..it's just stupid" Paula said with a tone of sadness in her voice.

"..let's just leave this room" Paula said.

"ok.." Micheal said as he followed, still gripping the image of match in his pocket, unaware that as soon as the door closed behind him, something had crawled into the room they had just left through a random vent.

OBJECTED DRIPPINGS (a bfdi TF saga) (ARC ONE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt