I follow her out the door with the intention to finish this conversation. There isn't exactly a 'Dating a Celebrity for Dummy's' book so I need to ask all the questions I can while I'm here with her. Are we even dating?

As we step into the elevator my mind wanders off again to what this is. She flew me out here, she took me to a public art event, and now she's taking me on a ferry tour. That sounds like dating. Oh, and we've had sex.

I'm in the midst of a back and forth conversation in my mind when she takes my hand and walks us out to the car; Edan standing with the door open as we approach. I let her in first, follow, and Edan shuts the door behind us.

"There are a few hats and jackets in the back in case you want them for the ferry Miss Claire," Edan shuts his door and puts the car in drive.

"Thanks, E." I say staring out the window not realizing what just came out of my mouth and both of them turn to me.

"Did you just give Edan a nickname?" They look at each other and laugh.

"I like it, P" He says back to me, laughs, and drives us off into the hustle of Saturday traffic.

Claire laughs with me and smiles, taking my hand and scooting in the middle seat next to me. I go back and forth with the view of the city and looking at her as I play with her fingers in my hand.

"What's your favorite thing?" I look at the city and figure she'd get that I'm asking about New York.
"Everything." She says confidently though I was hoping for something more specific. "I know I've said it before, but really everything, Parker. The people, the sounds, the shows, the night life, how vibrant it is, the opportunity; there's too much to choose from."

"I like this place." I smile at her and keep her hand tight in mine.

Edan pulls into a tow zone but obviously gives no fucks as he parks and turns to us.

"It seems a bit windy, so it'll be a little cooler out on the ferry. I'll grab you both jackets and hats. Just fasten it tight." He steps out, opens the back door to pull two thick jackets and two baseball caps from a bin, and hands them to us still in the back seat.

"Thanks, E." Claire says to him and looks childishly at me.

I grab the cap and notice the NY Yankee logo on it.

"Of course." I look at Claire with a smirk and put it on.

"Not a fan?" She smirks back to me as she puts hers on.

"More of a Cubs follower but I look good in anything." She flirtingly slaps my arm and pushes me out the car door.

Edan follows us as we get to the ferry waiting area and hands Claire our tickets.

"Call me if you need anything. I'll be here."

We hear an announcement that our ferry is ready to board as we stand in line. I look around to see if anyone is staring at us, but so far, we're clear. We walk on and she immediately finds the stairs to walk us to the top.

I still keep my eyes out for anyone following us or staring but everyone seems to be minding their business. I'm just used to the chaos I see on TV. We get to a railing and just hang there, staring at the city as the ferry pulls away from the dock. We're leaning over the railing when I take her arm, wrap it under mine and kiss her cheek. She plays with my hands when I start to shift my body to face her. A view of the city in the background with the most beautiful girl in front of me.

The ferry goes around Manhattan showing views to the entire skyline and eventually the Statue of Liberty. We don't talk too much with the wind blowing lightly in our faces, but we hold one another never wanting to let go. I look around to a few couples taking pictures and pointing out landmarks. Claire must have seen me doing so.

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