Chapter 14

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It's about 3:30 when we get back to her apartment from lunch. It's been one of my favorite days yet. After having a monkey jumping around my shoulders and spending a few hours at the zoo, I crave another shower.

"While you shower, I'm going to order us some dinner. I know we just ate but maybe a little something before tonight?"

"I'm not picky, surprise me." I walk to her bedroom and start a shower.

After drying my hair and putting on a pair of shorts and a shirt, I come out of her bedroom with the sound of her unloading things onto her kitchen counter.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower; thinking we can just relax for a bit. There's some Thai food on the counter, feel free to help yourself. Do you have everything you need?"

"What more could I possibly need?" I think to myself. "I'm good, thanks. I'll just be snooping." I say to make her grin.

I hear the faint sound of water starting in the shower and my mind takes a different turn; I have the urge to follow her in there. As she showers away and as I sit on the couch, I think about what our first sexual encounter will be like, if it even happens. Who would make the first move? Will I do as I have been taught by Megan and Trent or will I freeze up? I recall both of them saying to remain confident.

She comes out from her room with a pair of short-shorts and a t-shirt with wet hair pulled over one shoulder, still more beautiful as the minutes go by.

"There's something hanging up for you in the hall closet there," she points in the direction towards the hallways of all the bedrooms.

"You didn't." I realize she picked something out for me to wear tonight, probably a safety in-case what I brought didn't live up to art event expectations.

I walk to the closet and see a black long romper type thing. I've never worn a romper before, nor know how one looks on me but I go to the bedroom to try it on and look in the tall mirror. Of course. Perfect fit. I walk back out to her still in the kitchen.

"I knew when you wore my sweatpants and shirt that we were pretty much the same size," she lights up and gazes at me, up and down.

"I'm not keeping it! Just wearing it tonight, otherwise it's yours." I've never been good at accepting gifts. "I also have the clothes I borrowed in Vegas."

"The romper is yours, Parker. You look way too good in it not to have it." She makes me smile. "There's also a pair of heels in the closet... I know you're not much of a heel person but it's my night and I want to see you dolled up." She walks over to me, kisses me, and takes us to her room to get ready for the night.

I'm sitting on the couch watching some sitcom episode when I hear her heels click on the floor as she walks into the room. I wish I could see my own expression because it's probably similar to something in the movies where the guy is by the door when the pretty girl walks down the staircase. Claire is so jaw-droppingly gorgeous that I immediately become overpowered by a physical sensation; I am turned the fuck on right now. She's wearing black jeans, heels, dark lipstick and what seems to be an expensive top that cuts down her chest.

I stand up to meet her, taking a deep breath.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I look her up and down, grab her arms and pull her in for a few light kisses, trying not to smear her lipstick.

"And you in that romper. You pull it off. Totally sexy." We grin at one another and walk out the door to the elevators.

Edan is waiting outside by the car when he opens the door for us. The sun is beginning to set about now as we drive off to the art event. I go back and forth looking at the view and looking at Claire. I'd obviously rather stare at her all night wearing those tight pants, heels, and tight black top. I have the desire to want to touch her all over, but I keep my composure.

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