Chapter 5

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The next morning, I roll over to my clock and see 10:17. That's quite a record for me. It's not like I was drunk last night, and we got home before 11; I guess after the drive and my boggled mind I just needed the extra hours.

I check my phone but have no messages or calls from Sean. It doesn't faze me as I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walk downstairs to make oatmeal with some fruit and turn on the TV. Sports Center is always the last channel viewed before my dad heads out to work. I scan the TV guide but see nothing that grabs my attention. I click on the E! network aka the Hollywood and pop culture channel.

They're finishing some story about Justin Bieber when I kick my feet up to finish my oatmeal.

"Next on E! News, why Claire Emerson and Jason Daniels split. Stay tuned."

I'm not too big on celebrity gossip and who's dating who, but I watch a lot of movies, listen to a lot of music and keep somewhat in tune with most pop culture. Claire Emerson is a young actress, probably my age, just starting to become popular with a few new movies coming out, and Jason Daniels starred with her in one of those movies. The perfect Hollywood "it" couple I'd say.

Jason Daniels is in his late twenties and dangerously handsome. Brown hair, brown eyes, tall, fit and dreamy. Claire seems like the perfect magazine cover girl. Long, blonde hair, perfect skin, perfect smile and I think green or hazel eyes. I've seen her pictures pop up on my social media from time to time. The guys love her.

I finish up my oatmeal, rinse the bowl, and head back upstairs leaving the TV on. I know at some point today I need to talk to Sean and end things with us, but I don't even know what to say. I start to think of all the reasons why I want to break up and it sounds like the "it's not you, it's me" speech. I text Tayler and get her advice on what to say. While I wait for her reply, I start a shower.

I come back and check my phone. No messages. I start to pace back and forth in my room, in my towel with water dripping all along the hardwood floor. My phone rings. Sean's name and face light up the screen. I let it ring as I sit on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I start to drift thinking about the intense eye encounter I had with the blonde at the bar last night. I've never felt such a rush come over me as a girls eyes locked with mine for multiple seconds. I faintly remember her having a smirk on her face as if she was trying to seduce me right then and there. It worked.

My phone dings again with a text from Tayler.

"I can't tell you what to say but just tell him how you honestly feel and that you're growing apart."

Not exactly what I was hoping for, but I realize she's right. I guess there is no easy way to do it. I have to stop wasting both our time. I lay on my bed and call Sean back.

"Hey, how was last night?" He sounds chipper.

"It was good, I'm glad to be back with the girls. How was your night? What did you do?" I'll ask anything to procrastinate my feelings at this point.

"The guys and I went to the opening of this new bar downtown here, it was pretty wild. Didn't get home until like 3." I'm not surprised he went out, that's all he and his friends really do. It doesn't phase me.

"Sounds fun. Look Sean," I take a breath, "There's something I want to say and I'm trying to," I start to get teary eyed.

I cry so easily when it comes to things like this. Every time I broke up with him before I would start bawling my eyes out before we even got on the subject. I'm silent, trying to hold back the tears and taking deep breaths. He knows something is wrong.

"Parks? Parker, what's wrong? I know something's up, just talk to me."

I take a few deeper breaths, sniffle a few times, and regain my focus.

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