Chapter 10

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My eyes flutter open when I see my dad hovering over me.

"Geez someone must have stayed out late last night huh?" He doesn't appear to be mad or annoyed. Must've not heard me come in at 5:30.

I turn to my night stand, pick up my phone and look at the time. 11:45; not even six hours of sleep. I grunt because I'm not ready to wake up. Waking up means I can't dream of the amazing night I just had.

"You gonna lay in bed all day or are you going to go to the mall with your sister?"

"Ugh give me a minute, I'll start getting ready," I talk through my pillow.

I toss and turn a few times and stretch my whole body until I finally get up. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth and start a shower. I look in the mirror and realize I'm wearing Claire's clothes. Should I wash them and give them back? I take off her shirt and put it up to my nose; my eyes close as I breathe in what is the most delightful and intoxicating fragrance.

As I'm in the middle of shampooing my hair, I look down to my wrist and see a stamp from Pulse. I smile as I scrub it off my skin.

I fold Claire's clothes with the hope I'd have the opportunity to see her again, put them on a shelf in my closet, grab some leggings and a t-shirt, throw a little light makeup on and go to Megan's room.

"I'm ready when you are. Which mall do you want to go to?" I ask with the intention for her to drive us.

"Just the one in Town Center is fine with me. Not looking for anything too fancy."

"Did dad leave you money?" Cause I'm surely not paying.

"Yeah he gave me enough. Just gonna put on my shoes and I'll meet you downstairs."

We park in the structure next to the new indoor mall close to our house and walk inside. Megan is dressed in her usual tight pants, boy shirt and hat. I imagine sometimes as we walk around there are people wondering if we're a couple but it doesn't bother me. I love my sister regardless of how she looks and now I look to her more than ever because she might have an idea what I'm going through.

We walk into Macy's and go towards the men's section. We both browse around and pick out a few things. Knowing her so well, I pick out button ups and ties with colors in the grays, blacks, and blues. We meet a few minutes later and go over what we picked out. She takes a few pairs of slacks, one white, one black, and one gray button up along with a few assorted ties into a dressing room.

As she's changing, I stand outside the dressing room. I look around and see no one in sight.

"Hey Megan, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, of course. What's up?" I hear her switching out pants.

"You know who Claire Emerson is don't you?"
"I don't live under a rock dude," She says sarcastically.

"Well last night I was at that club and she was there..." I'm trying to figure out how to say this because how often does anything like last night happen to someone like me?
"Really? Did you get a picture?" Oh Megan.

"Uh well I don't expect you to really believe it, but she asked me to dance and we did, and we had this weird, intense connection, and ended staying out until we watched the sunrise." I realize how stupid I must sound.

For a moment, she was quiet. Probably figuring out whether to believe me or process the fact that her sister could be going through something relatable. She unlocks the dressing room door.

"For a moment I thought you were serious. She's so hot." Of course she wouldn't believe me.

"I am serious Megan," I grab her arm to get her attention and reach for my phone. "Look, she even gave me her number."

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