Chapter 6

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I wake up Friday morning to a few texts from the girls. Jamie had the idea of going out to one of the clubs tonight and said she was able to get a comped table and bottle service. Tayler and Kara agreed to the festivities and I figured a night out wouldn't be a bad idea. I don't find myself missing Sean all too much at this point but it's only day two. I do wake up to the thought of him and fall asleep thinking about our break up conversation but compared to the break ups I've seen with Jamie, Kara and Tayler, I think that I'm handling this rather well.

I'm not too big of a club girl and I absolutely hate wearing heels but to get out of the house sounds appealing. I send a text back that I'm in. I figure Sean would be doing the same thing and probably will for a while; he has the stamina to go out every night for weeks at a time.

I get out of bed to brush my teeth, change into shorts and a t-shirt, put my hair up, and put my running shoes on. I head downstairs and eat a banana. Dads at work and Megan at school. I head outside and feel the Las Vegas heat and think to myself why on earth did I decide to go for a run? I'm stretching in the driveway when across the street I see our neighbor in his garage look my way and wave. I remember talking to my dad on the phone when he first started moving in the house that there is one annoying neighbor. A middle-aged man about my dad's age that can talk on and on. Dad said he talked about each of his three successful daughters for more than thirty minutes.

I wave and notice he meets the criteria being a middle-aged man but also having three different university stickers on the back of his Audi SUV. I immediately put my headphones in and start to jog as I see him inching forward and maintaining a visual.

The whole run I am listening to music thinking it would easily take my mind off things but really, it's just background noise to all the thoughts in my head. I replay the break up over and over, but instead of making me sad, I feel more relief. Again, maybe it's so fresh that it hasn't hit me yet but for some odd reason I feel content. Nothing is holding me back from doing whatever it is I want to do and that brings a happy sensation to me.

After my run I start a shower and look at the clock. Almost 11:00. I call my dad.

"What's up princess?" he seems to be quite chipper today.

"Do you have lunch plans? I can come meet you."

"Uh no, no lunch plans! How about you come here, and we'll eat at one of the restaurants?"

"I'll get ready now." I hang up and start to make my bed.

My dad works at one of the newest hotels on the strip; probably the only reason why we're living in this city. He's been in the business before I was born and, even though it puts massive amounts of stress on him, it has a lot of perks. I've seen all the big concerts here since I was little. Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, all the big names. I never have too much to complain about apart from how much he talks on the phone.

I pull up to the hotel and park in the garage. When I pull up I realize the club we're going to tonight is at this exact hotel. Not that it would matter much but I know my dad knows a lot of the bouncers and employees, so I keep in mind that I'll have to be on some good behavior.

The hotels here aren't what you normally see. Everything is modernized and elegant to the extreme. The lobby is massive with high ceilings and large-square pillars with display screens built in. Connected to the lobby is the casino. I'm not sure of the exact size of it, but you can definitely get lost. It really looks like Disneyland for gamblers and partiers.

I walk through the lobby towards the casino and see my dad walking towards me with a few gentlemen.

"Parker, these are my buddies Phil, Mark, and Grant. They met you when you were like, what? 6?" He turns his head to them.

Something About YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora