She stops fixing her shirt and looks down in shock.

"You're seriously not messing with me?" Her tone turned serious.

"No," I look her dead in the eye. "I can't even describe it. I've never felt this way."

"Did you enjoy being with her?" She sits down on an ottoman and scoots over for me.

"Time couldn't go slow enough." I stare at the floor as I wrap my head around what I exactly felt a few hours earlier. "I felt so liberated and comfortable with her."

"This is so crazy, Parker. You have to text her! I've never seen you light up about someone before."

I tell her every detail of last night. About the body guards, how I borrowed her clothes, how we watched the water show, how her head laid in my lap, and how I chickened out at the end and didn't kiss her.

"I'm trying to wrap my ahead around why you of all people," her seriousness is now humor as I'm sure she's excited for me.

"Just no telling dad, promise?" We get up from the ottoman so she can get changed.


She buys black slacks, a white shirt and a black tie then we make our way to the bookstore where we can grab some coffee and sit down to talk more.

"So, what does this mean? Do you like her, Parker?" She wants to know if I'm into girls or just into Claire.

"I like her, there is no denying that but I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything. And I just broke up with Sean so, I mean, what if this is just some response to that?" My original excitement has turned to doubt as I think about reality. "She's Claire Emerson: movie star, magazine cover girl, big time celebrity. I'm a software engineering student at a school in Reno. I don't know what could possibly come out of this." I take a sip of coffee and see Megan's expression empathetic. "Plus, I have never done anything with a girl besides a drunken kiss."

"I know I'm much younger than you and you're supposed to teach me things but with something like this, shouldn't you just go for it?" Her empathy almost turns to frustration, "I've watched you grow up planning your life out, sticking within the lines, not taking any risks... I think you need to stop thinking about what could and couldn't happen in the future and just fucking live Parker. This doesn't happen to just anyone.

"It's not even the fact that she's a celebrity and you are you. It's the fact that you have never lit up once talking about Sean the three years you've dated like the way you lit up talking about her for three minutes. As for the sexual stuff, it comes naturally if you feel the way you do for Claire. I'm sure she's dated a girl before."

"She has." I guess I did leave out one detail from last night.

"She told you?" Megan is dying to know everything, but I don't even know everything.

"She said she's been with women and to her, it's more," I think of the right word, "connected."

"Fuck yeah, Claire Emerson."

"Okay, calm down lesbo. She asked me to dance, not you." I lighten up and take another drink. "I wouldn't have a clue what to do sexually. That intimidates me."

My sister and I are too close to be uncomfortable having this conversation. Even though we couldn't offer much sexual advice to one another while I was dating Sean and her being a lesbian, now seems like the perfect bonding moment for us. I know she's eager to tell her now possibly lesbian, bisexual, whatever sister about girls.

"Think about what Sean did to you and what you liked."

"Honestly, Sean sucked at oral sex." We both laugh. "But there was Trent that I fooled around with, when Sean and I were on a break, and he was incredible."

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