"Does your heart tell you that I'm important?" I smirk, and my nerves are gone. I'm calm and intoxicated by this moment.

She begins to untie her jacket from her waist and I immediately get nervous and clammy again. What is she doing? What's about to happen? Oh God. I'm not ready for this. Or am I? I don't know. Claire, why are you throwing me off so much?

She takes her hoodie and wrinkles it somewhat together and places it on my lap and lays her head down. "Oh, thank God," I think to myself.

"Yes," She breathes out, "there's something about you that I haven't quite figured out yet." Her eyes look up to meet mine.

Edan left the car on so the music is still playing in the background. I'm not familiar with much of her music but it all sounds serene; it's like she knew what I had planned and made a playlist to go along with it.

Edan came back to the car about twenty minutes later to crack the windows and turn off the ignition.

"Probably need some gas to get back but there's no rush at all Ms. Claire." He took the keys and was back doing who knows what in the middle of nowhere.

We kept talking about life, school, her career, ex-lovers, and the future. She mentioned that Jason Daniels cheated on her with a girl in another one of his movies a while back and that threw her over the edge. We talked about our break ups a bit, but I wanted to know more about her experiences with girls.

"Going back to curiosity." I was gazing out the window then looked down at her, "Have you ever been with a girl sexually?"

"Yes." Her eyes leave mine as she looks at her hands playing with her shirt. "Girls are something else."

"How so?" I'm immediately threatened by her girl on girl experience.

"Everything seems intensified. Communication is far more open and honest, sensuality is more intimate and meaningful, sex is completely different and, in many ways, better honestly." I can't stop gazing at her body up and down as she speaks. "I enjoy men and am sexually attracted to them, but I've never been able to connect with them on a passionate, intimate level."

"That's exactly how I feel." I think back to sex with Sean. "I mean, I haven't been with a girl but with Sean, sex almost felt like just exercise. I didn't feel passionate or some sort of out-of-body experience if that makes sense." I look back out the window, "It was enjoyable, but I knew I wanted more."

"Makes perfect sense," her soft and sexy voice tingled my ears and we both look at one another.

I start to play with her soft, silky hair with one hand and lightly scratch her arm with the other.

It wasn't until the beginning of the sunrise that we realized how much time had passed by. I felt bad for Edan being outside for such a long time, but it didn't seem to faze Claire at all. She's still in my lap with her shoes off and her feet outside the window when Edan comes back to the car.

"You've got that meeting at eight you should probably get ready for, Claire."

She gets up from my lap and he starts the car.

"Would you mind dropping me off at home? I live not too far from here." I realize my dad will be up soon if he isn't already.

I give the address to Edan, and Claire moves closer to me. She puts her head on my shoulders and I feel so at ease. I put my head on hers. I'm hesitant to grab her hand knowing my hands are probably still clammy from all of my anxiousness and then she takes me by surprise once more and takes mine into hers. I swear this girl reads minds.

Our fingers are intertwined, playing with one another. I look down at them, look at her, and grin. This perhaps is the best moment of my life. I have never felt so connected with someone before. Not like this, not this quick. The whole drive, my mind daydreams and fills up with thoughts traveling the world together.

Edan pulls up to the gates of my neighborhood which are already open and turns right. I let go of Claire's hand.

"Can we stop a little before my house? I just don't want to wake my family."

"Of course," Edan slows down to stop the car and again steps out of the car. He sure doesn't get in the way of any moments.

"How long are you here for?" I hope Claire will say eternity.

"I fly out Monday back to New York," Her voice seems upset and tired. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I start my internship Monday, so nothing too crazy. What do you have in mind?"

She takes my phone and types in her phone number.

"Text me after you get some sleep, we'll think of something. Thank you for an amazing night Parker..." I realize I never mentioned my last name.

"Layton," I smile.

"Thank you for an amazing night, Parker Layton." She stares deep into my eyes and licks her lips.

It's my move. Make a move. Make a move, Parker.

"Have a good day, Claire."

WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. I step out of the car like a big pathetic loser with immediate regret. I should have kissed her. I may not ever see her again and I chickened out like a little bitch. I immediately am overcome by emotion. Mostly disappointment, but we just met, and I don't even know what this means. She's a celebrity and I'm a college student. What could possibly come from this anyway? I shut out my thoughts to wave good-bye and punch in our garage code to get inside. I shut the garage door quietly and head upstairs to my room. I see my bed and immediately land on top of it and dream of Claire.

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