Part 12

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"It's a love loop honey "

[ Victoria's P.o.v ] Those were the last words I heard before he tightened his grip on my inner thighs as if his fingers will pass through my skin anytime and then something happened that I feared about . I woke up  once again in my own room with sunlight hitting my eyes . My head started hurting but this time  my vision didn't became blurry  which I was thankful for , closing my eyes for couple of seconds before opening them just to check my thighs which had the finger prints on them . I covered it with a blanket after hearing footsteps coming towards my room .

" Good mor-- you woke up ?" Mrs. Haruto entered the room "Your breakfast is ready fresh up and eat it . I'm going out for some grocery shopping . Ma'am and sir have already left . Fine ? " I  nodded as she left the room .

" Only a warm  shower can do something " I got up as I made my way towards the bathroom . Noticing that the finger prints  are slowly disappearing without the help of any liquid .  After sometime I was making my way towards the staircase when the store room that has been always locked up caught my attention ." Why all of a sudden I'm noticing this ? " I  shrugged it off while heading downstairs . " May I  ask you to unlock the storeroom upstairs ?" I asked out of the blue gaining all of their attentions . 

" Ma'am that store room is permanently closed and the key is also lost " 

" We have already told ma'am and sir about this issue and they said that the store room is of no use either . " 

I nodded as I started to eat my breakfast.  " why ? Why is that store room locked . And why am I even asking all this ? I don't even have any relation with that store room then why do I care ? Actually why all of a sudden do I care ? " random thoughts when something I wouldn't call random clicked in my mind : " It's a love loop honey "  I can't get these words out of  my head now . His touch , his deep voice , his everything I felt last night is still holding on to my body ..... badly . I don't know how my body looked against his , but it felt right . It didn't feel real but magical,  if my soul leaves my body I would leave it in his arms . And how am Isaying this ? I'm  craving for more ? Maybe ? " NO! " I screamed as I stood up making all the maids shift their gaze towards me with a concern look . "S-sorry " I excused myself as I went upstairs as if someone was pulling me there .  It was pretty clear that I have taken the wrong path.  Now I'm the one facing the consequences . One thing was sure ..... I was stuck in a loop and there is no where out of this . I'm trapped in that house ... for the night . No matter wherever I go I'll end up there and then at night . And my future husband is surely gonna think I'm a psycho if I told him about  all of this . I started working on my laptop , viewing the history of my past patients incase I would find something . " Why is it so cold ?" Yes in the month of summer  I'm feeling cold without any temperature mix up . I shrugged it off . These days I'm just shrugging everything off . after finding nothing I shifted to a book named ' Wuthering Height ' an old romantic book  , reading it for the fifth time I guess . I didn't even realize how the time went by . It was already 4 : 57 pm and I had to leave for  Café Home ' . I got  up , changing my clothes to a baggy outfit . putting my hair in a low messy bun letting my bangs fall out . Wearing a black mask to finish the look , I went outside grabbing my bag , taking my steps towards the car . If you ask why am I wearing a mask in such a hot climate then let me remind you I don't have privacy in my life , hope that makes sense to you all. Focusing on the road when a message popped up on my lock screen , making my gaze shift there . 

" I'm waiting at the Café Home since the last fifteen minutes '

' are you coming or not ? '

'Dr. Victoria ?'

' You there ?' 

' Hello ?  ' 

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