Victoria's P.O.V

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So basically this part is  almost the same as part 11 but it's from Victoria's P.O.V .this part is slightly different from the previous one . So don't think it's the same 😃

I thought Victoria's POV was needed in part 11 but I didn't add that part . So I decided to make a separate one and here it is : ) 

Dr. Adebelle left , I sat down on the couch my head started to hurt once again , I thought maybe it's migraine . I asked Mrs. Haruto to bring my medicine. "Sure " she brought me  the medicine with a glass of water in her other hand as I  slowly got up to take the pills " dinner is ready eat it and take rest " she patted my  head and left.  To be honest I wasn't starving for now  but there was only one thing I felt that was to distract my mind and shift it to something positive.

Time skips : at night 

I thought of distracting my mind a little by watching my tv shows or movies which I always wanted from a long time but didn't get any time for such things .  After watching some tv shows to fresh up my mind a little . I  sat down to have my  dinner I was this busy in thoughts that I didn't even notice someone was staring at me  . could one of the maids ? All i needs is a eye contact with them and everyone's gaze down . I looked at maid expecting her to lower her gaze but instead she kept staring at me like there is tomorrow . " please focus on your work I would appreciate that more " I said gaining all the attention in the room but that maid just ignored me and kept on staring." What am I a diamond that she is staring at me this deeply ? Wait a minute Oh god this same situation happened this afternoon isn't it? And then the bodyguard........but why she is looking at me like that am I looking weird or ... aishhh leave it " i thought to myself and continued eating my food when the spoon that I was holding dropped on the ground after seeing a sudden view in front me , that maid lost her balance and fell on the floor . All the other maids gasped and ran towards her . " wtf what just happened? Did she ..... no god please no not again" I thought to myself      " ma'am she is not breathing " " what's wrong with them or something wrong with me ? Why am I experiencing this ?" I thought to myself  again . 

After that incident, instead of forgetting the case and whatever I'm experiencing i forgot the positive thought I  had a couple of minutes ago . Once again i slipped into something i shouldn't have . My  body felt heavy , my head is still hurting looks like the medicine i took a while ago didn't help . Maybe stress is also taking over me  ?and I can for once in my life stop overthinking? Guess what never !   After having my  dinner i headed upstairs to finally get some sleep . Trying my best to ignore the situations but my mind wasn't letting me  . All these weird things happening from day 1 it's .... I can't now but for some reason I want to get to the end of this case because every other day getting questionable situation which has a connection with this case and there is always a thing in my body telling me to find the answers of these questions but unfortunately I fail them , finally end of the day - "Okay no stress , nothing now , sleep as much as you want just don't think about the case much metal health comes first girl . Tomorrow my whole day is free indirectly, no busy schedule so no stress , remember you're Victoria Thompson or you know what just let be Victoria only " i said as I  started with my  skincare routine.  Honestly I felt much more relaxed after doing that.  After that case , this is the only moment I  felt normal for once, no weird things happening with me , no creepy sounds or even no " hallucinations " . " I think dr. Adebelle's advice did work maybe for a few minutes but it still worked right ? " looking my self in the mirror trying to look happy and acting like nothing happened , just like i was having a great day and same for tomorrow. finally finishing everything up i switched off the lights , it did not take me long to drift of to sleep after a hectic day  . 

Me , who was deep in sleep woke up with a noise of something falling on the ground , maybe once again a glass cup ? I ignored it but once again something fell making me  annoyed as i sat on the bed and came to my senses realising I'm is not my own room nor any other room in my house . " am I dreaming ?" I thought to myself I mean my last action I remember was sleeping in my room and if I wake up with a sudden noise there is 97% chance it's a dream but I don't have a feeling of dream at this point why ?  My heart started to beat faster , it was dark but still I  could make out things present in the room . A torn out couch , a lamp covered with cloth , spider webs all around random things lying here and there a weird smell . "Why this condition so familiar to me ? I mumbled to myself . The room was made mostly with planks . These things were making me remember something very badly . Gulping down hard while breathing heavily, Gaining all the courage i stood up when a squiky like sound was produce making me flinch again . A buzzing like sound was coming probably from outside the room . I slowly reached the doorknob twisting it , to my surprise i was introduced to a wider room familiar to me maybe ? Taking steps on my pointed feet slowly entering the room just to realise.....

" T-this is the s-same house , the h-house I-I found in the -forest . H-how did I e-end up here ?? "  this question kept on occupying my mind . Just thinking this something caught my attention scaring the hell out me the tv which was again turned on and producing that buzzing sound . " Not again" i whispered to myself in disbelief for whatever I was experiencing.  With heavy breathing and fast heart beat i  slowly moved my right hand towards the switch . Just a click and it turned off but that wasn't all just then I felt someone's presence behind like if someone just went past me in a millisecond . I turned around as darkness surrounded me with the view I just saw . I  covered my  mouth immediately after seeing the view visible right in my eyes  . Someone 's body was lying on the floor which was pretty similars to mine  . Even the same clothes I  wore that day , the same place i fell , and the broken remote was just beside . Body's face was covered with strands of hair and that exact day my was hair open , after a couple of seconds of staring finally i went to remove the strands to reveal the face behind it . Slowly removing the strands just to see my own face covered in blood . A screamed escaped my mouth as i fell back from the view i just saw . Not able to process anything i froze at my spot . It's was just like a brain freeze. I couldn't even utter a single word . Wanted to speak but nothing came out except of a gasp from my lovely mouth  . 'Tik -tok , Tik -tok the voice started to come from the wall clock placed just above the fire place which at one time wasn't even working .   What could be the worst day in my life other than this ? "You chose the hell experience it now" exactly now I'm understanding these words what they actually meant . And I bet this is not even the starting of "hell " 

" 4:20 .... I-I can read the time , no nooo this isn't a dream I'm not dreaming a dream doesn't contain a clock or even if it does you can't tell or read the time ! T-this b-body is r-real s-s-so that means I'm f-fake ? No no what in the world are you thinking Victoria! "I seriously wasn't in my senses I don't know what in the world was I think or saying .  without realising few drops of water escaped from my eyes also known as tears . I got up wiping those tears away and grabbed a knife that was placed on the dining table . Holding it in my right hand by placing it on my  left hand wrist pressing my lips together "I -I don't know what I'm doing right now at this exact moment but this thing will surely lead me to some answers to the questions which I don't know and I don't even know what I'm saying but here goes nothing " with that the mark of the knife was left in my left hand wrist making it bleed and a drop of blood falling on the ground . To be honest this was the most stupidest way I ever found for finding an answer . But at this point what am I supposed to do ? How am I suppose to figure out things if I just got here , not even planned  .  " THIS.IS . NOT. A . DREAM ! ! ! That freaking body is real , I'm real but there is only one of me that me myself and no else . " i went towards the main door as i expected is was locked " AHHHH DAMN IT! ! ! " I lost myself there . Kneeling down while tears won't stop coming from my eyes again my head started paining , my vision became blurry . Having this symptom couples times a day is not normal . My  body became light like it's going to float anytime that's when I  shouted with my shaky voice letting the anger out that was trapped  inside from a long  time  : " WHAT DID I EVEN DO ? WHERE DID I GO WRONG ? WHY ? WHY AM I THE  ONLY ONE  EXPERIENCING THIS ? WHY ONLY ME ? I was stupid , so stupid to approve this case , not only this but even my question was stupid ! That even god ignored it . NOW IM STUCK HERE SOMEWHERE I DON'T KNOW HOW DID I EVEN END UP HERE BUT I KNOW THIS ISN'T A DREAM , IM NOT HALLUCINATING. I -I KNOW IT'S LOOP BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF F***ING LOOP IS THIS —" Some one pulled me from behind covering my mouth . I tried .... Kept on trying to remove the hand from my face but failed to touch him .  I can feel it but can't touch it , I can feel his touch all over my body even though one hand is placed on my mouth and the other on my waist . And don't ask me how I know it's "he" . I know the difference between a female and male's hand Feeling like my soul is  automatically leaving me , for me it was like no one was there but still someone was there . I was struggling to free myself from the grip which I can't touch even though I can , when that hand placed on my mouth slowly sliding down to my chest and the other one between my thighs a deep husky voice whispered in my ear stopping me from doing my action at the moment . 

" it's a love loop ..... honey "

To be continued...... 

Love Of The DarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon