Part 7

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Finally she noticed the broken remote as she took her steps but tripped on one of the items fallen on the floor and fell on the ground . She closed her eyes in reflex and a little screamed escaped her mouth . When she hit the ground the pain was same as if someone has stabbed her hardly . That's when she heard foot steps coming from behind she shut her eyes tightly . Just when she felt the steps coming closer and a hand almost touching her body, another little scream escaped her mouth as she woke up in her bed , in her room , in her house ..

She sat on her bed while breathing heavily ,hiding her face  with back of her palm to prevent sunlight that was directly hitting her face . It took her some seconds to fix her vision and come back to her senses. Her gaze traveled towards her right and left when found her phone on the night stand beside her . She grabbed it quickly and saw it was fully charged . She may not remember dropping it but sure remember last time she checked her phone it was about 10 % charged . Checking her elbow everything was fine . No sign of blood , her wound just vanished. She held her head . " why is it hurting ?" She looked down and noticed her clothes were also changed . Her bag which she took with her was kept on her desk . Despite having no energy she still gain the courage to get up and go downstairs to clear everything whatever was happening with her . 

Coming down from the stairs she saw her father reading a magazine while sipping his coffee . His glasses being on his head rather than being on his eyes . "Why do people with glasses always read something with their glasses being on their head instead of their eyes ?" She thought to herself . She shrugged it off. Mrs. Haruto was working as usual and on other hand her mother wearing a white robe , leaning on the chair . Her hair was put up in a messy bun her face was covered with a facial mask and slices of cucumber placed on her eyes . A girl probably in her mid 20 's were doing her nails .  Not to mention every other week she has someone new to do her nails and facial things etc. Victoria scratched her head slightly trying to remember if there is something important today . "Ohh interview. Right right that's why she 's getting ready got it !" She  was thinking all this when her father spoke .

Mr. Thompson:" hope you have got enough rest because today you have busy schedule as I told you earlier. I don't know what kind of movie were  you watching last night that you fell asleep on the couch itself . But anyways here are your lines for the interview (he handed her a paper ) for now , you have enough time to memorise these and don't mess up this interview. I'm expecting you to already know the reason why " ( saying all this without taking a glance at her is like a daily routine for thim ) 

"Let me guess , this interview is of course paying a massive amount of wealth that's why *sighs * I'm used to these but wait what did he say before this "? She said in her own mind 

Taking the paper in her hands she spoke : 

" what did you say just now ?"

Mr. Thompson:" that this interview is important and you have enough time to memor— 

"Before that " ( he looked at her finally because he doesn't like when someone cuts him off while he is speaking but Victoria didn't even care even if he is staring ) 

Mr. Thompson:" that you slept on the couch while watching a movie . And Mrs. Haruto carried you to your room and changed  your clothes" 

" I wasn't h-home last night "

Her mother used her other hand to remove the cucumbers slices from her eyes and make a eye contact with her " we are not blind and you're smart enough to understand that , I assume . We came around midnight and found you sleeping on the couch while tv was on "

"But I went to Florida forest . What's wrong with you both ?" 

Mrs. Thompson:" nothing is wrong with us only thing that is wrong here is you . Now just shut up and stop talking rubbish, let me have my peaceful facial . And you ,  do your job I'm paying you to focus on your work not to focus on our work ( she said to the girl doing her nails .)

" I'm not talking rubbish . I went to the Florida forest in fact I told you as well that I, will be going for a case . And you even told me to come before night didn't you ?" 

Mr. Thompson:" I don't remember saying any of those words and secondly you never share your career things with us nor we like to hear those as well . Well it looks like you're sick and need rest but you're not getting that . Also Get ready we have to leave by 10 ." ( he said as he put the magazine on the table and walked away ) 

Mrs. Haruto :" should I serve your breakfast dear?" 

" I'll fresh up first then " ( she went upstairs to her bathroom after that ) 

She took a bath , changed her clothes now washing her face in front of the mirror still processing what is happening with her when mind clicked something

"Pictures! The pictures I clicked ! Where are those ? " 

She quickly wiped her face with a towel and went to her room . Opening the bag searching  for the camera . The camera was there working totally fine but pictures she took were not fine . Each and every picture was totally black. She sat on her bed and placed the camera beside her with her shakey hands . " where is my p-phone ?" She quickly grabbed her phone from the night stand and called dr. Derrick " pick up , come on PICK UP " despite her calling him from for several times he didn't answer :( 

She got up again and started taking out things from her bag when she noticed a pen drive labelled as " play me " she raised her one eyebrow and squinting her eyes a little trying to remember how did a pen drive end up in her bag . She usually don't  use these pen drive and doesn't even have much of them . Most of the pen drive she has are probably given by someone else . " I don't remember anyone giving me a pen drive labelled as ' play me ' . Should I take a look at this once ?"  She grabbed her laptop and connected the pen drive to it . It contained of a video that was  hardly of 20 seconds. She played it . First few seconds the screen was black but then another note was shown in the video .

 I will hurt your body  till you die , give you all the pain you don't deserve 

Until you accept me as your own which I know you'll not 

You chose the hell ,  experience it now 

There is no backing off , the game has just started , My Love 

Her eyes were still fixed on the screen when a image appeared out of no where and disappeared faster than a blink of eye . " what was that ?" She tried replaying the Video but It showed 'error' . She tried connecting the pen drive again and again but it's showed  the same thing ' error ' . Being frustrated she threw away the pen drive in some corner of her room , closing her laptop while  leaning back on her chair " Ahhh THIS IS THE MOST REGRETTABLE DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE !! " she picked up the piece of paper which had her lines written on it ." Okay calm down now I have already wasted my time better start learning my lines before I mess everything up " she tried to learn but just can't memorise them completely. Just then she heard someone screaming her name from downstairs which were obviously her parents .


Before anything else could get worse , she grabbed her things going downstairs 

Mrs. Haruto :" dear you didn't eat anything at least take a few bites . You didn't even eat your dinner last night .

She looked at the food and then her parents of course her stomach was growling from yesterday she wanted to leave everything and just eat the food but before she could say anything Mrs. Thompson said :

" she will not eat we don't have time for that NOW COME ! "  ( she shouted out of no where making her flinch a bit ) 

She followed them towards the car when her eyes fell on her own car parked beside which twinkled yesterday's memories in her head . She saw her mother was about to speak something which she understood  so she quickly sat in the car while her mother rolled her eyes and sat in the car as well . As they started to drive ......

To be continued.........

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