Chapter 21 - Crooked Wishes

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 "It seems unnatural that we should be enjoying meat when everyone else is gnawing on bones," Sabino grumbled into the stew, poking at the chunks of beef that floated within. Asha agreed with him, though silently, pushing one of the rubbery chunks down her throat. Well at least it wasn't good meat. But what could they expect? It was a gift. The king had applauded her for her quick improvement over the past week. His eyes had been gleeful as he praised her, pride clear in his movements, "You and your family shall feast like royalty tonight." The overly preserved meat got stuck on the way down and she coughed a few times before it released. Quite the elegant feast this was, her lips curled at the lumps remaining.

"Baba, you must count your blessings. Especially in times such as these," Sakina's voice was tense as she negotiated with her own piece of beef, chewing it for far longer than normal, "It'll drive you mad to think about all the things others don't have."

Mad...the word caused Asha to tense. By some sheer luck, the dancers' execution was stayed, but only by Asha's endless pleading. Or if Magnifico had anything to say about it, her whining. But after she had promised him more time and attentiveness to her apprenticeship, he had relinquished his original verdict. They were a small bother anyway, he had said, perhaps an elongated stay in the dungeon would fix them. And true to her word, the girl had thrown her full dedication into her training. Arriving well before dawn and leaving in the wee hours of the night. She now spent more time at the castle than at home. She wandered desolate streets; and had very little time to spare both her family and the star that now moped around all the time. Well...maybe not mope, but he certainly hadn't been wasting many words on her. Most of the time she supposed he was asleep; it was the rare occasion that she would see him out of the trunk. Whenever she did, their conversations were brief and repetitive. Her heart twinged, but she shoveled another spoonful of stew into her mouth before she could think on it further.


Asha looked up.

"Have you put some more thought into the king's offer?"

The stew hardened in her stomach, "You are always welcome a place here, Señorita. With the recent unpleasantness, I do hope you consider." That's what the man had said with his snake tongue and bloodshot eyes. With sense she had thanked him, with grace she had said she would take it into consideration, but with foolishness she had told her mother about it. Her mother whom hadn't given her a moment of peace since the altercation a week ago. How she had worried over her, interrogated her, and chastised her for the late nights and early days. Asha often thought that her mother only relaxed when she was surrounded by high walls and numerous guards. Though the girl held her tongue on the fact that most soldiers were patrolling the endless streets and alleyways instead of spanning the battlements.

With lead in her chest, the magician answered truthfully, "No Yemma, I prefer it here." She couldn't live there. Not where everything was cold and dark. Not where the king got lost in his ledgers while the kingdom starved. Not where the queen picked her apart with words. She dropped her spoon, and it rang against the side of the bowl. Fine china, another gift of appreciation. The blue flowers turned gray under the broth.

Sakina was silent. The only sound the scraping of her utensil against the bottom of the bowl. Asha reached again for her spoon.

"Do you think that's wise?"

Her hand froze, the danger lying underneath the question palpable. The girl tempered her words, "I want to be here for you.... for Baba. If I lived at the castle, I wouldn't see you anymore-"

"Yes, but you'd be safe!"

"Yemma, it was only one incident. They don't pass out alms like that anymore. Besides, I was only helping Dahlia. It won't happen again."

Of Stardust and Wishes (A Wish Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now