Chapter 14 - Checkmate

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The sword arced silver over Asha's head. She let out a startled cry and leapt to the side before the blade shattered the marble floor where she'd been standing. The weapon lodged deep into the newly created fissure, sticking out at an angle. The empty suit of armor dislodged the sword from its marble prison and advanced once again toward the young magician. Magnifico leaned against the wall of the chamber, cleaning his nails as the girl hurried past him. The clanking pile of metal crashed along after her.

"Take him out of my control Asha," he mused, "Then he'll stop bothering you."

"I know!" she panted, grabbing hold of a nearby chair and flinging it at the iron beast. The furniture was split in half with a single blow. The girl gulped and ran faster.

"Oh...I liked that chair," the king frowned, "Do mind the antiques in this room, Asha. Most are worth more than your life."

"Got it!" she answered through clenched teeth. She made a quick turn and the blade slashed the tapestry behind her. She heard the monarch mutter something akin to 'priceless artifact,' before the sword cut the air and stopped at her throat.

"Checkmate," Magnifico sighed, disappointment hung on every syllable, "You lose."

The armor went slack, the weapon dropping to its side. The girl breathed quick and thin, her shaking fingers pressing against her throat. She felt something wet, drawing her hand away, she saw smudges of blood. She set her jaw, he was messing with her now.

The king pushed himself off the wall and prowled around the back of the disenchanted armor. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head, "Asha, we've drilled this so many times. What is the issue?"

"No issue," she fought to keep her voice steady, "Just haven't been able to find an opening."

His smile didn't reach his eyes, "Not good enough."

Asha's mouth twitched. She could feel her fingernails break skin as her fists clenched tighter. Her stomach tossed and turned in her abdomen. It growled, but after two weeks she had ceased to notice the sound. She fought against the light headedness that the lack of food had wrought, blinking far too often. If the king noticed her struggle, he didn't mention it. Resting an elbow on the shoulder of the imaginary knight, his expression was unimpressed, "Even the poorest magician can deliver under stress...again!"

The girl winced, shifting her foot back to a defensive position. She brushed more stardust over her hands and braced herself. It hissed and sizzled against her skin, her teeth clenched. It was much more painful than her practice supply. The sound of scratching metal filled the room as the empty helmet snapped up to look at her.

"Ok Papa, I could really use some advice right now!"

But she was met with silence.

She brushed it aside, no worries, she could figure this out, she just had to find an opening. Her weight shifted to the balls of her feet, "Or make one". The armor grasped the hilt with both hands and Asha hurtled toward it. The hulking thing paused, taking in the girl running at full pelt toward the sharp end of the sword. The blade raised as she closed in, pulled up over the attacker's head. It started to descend, but she tucked her chin and rushed forward. Slamming against the breastplate, she wrapped her arms around where the abdomen would be. The sword stopped its killing stroke. Her palms were clammy against the cool metal. Her eyes slammed shut and her brow furrowed.

"Ama-gi!" she announced calm and clear, the words reverberating within the iron suit. She felt the plating shudder under her touch. She breathed out, she had done it! Finally, after all this time! She stepped away from her assailant, looking over toward the king and flashing a victorious smile. Now try and tell her she couldn't-

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