Chapter 26 - I Know Where He Is

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A/N: Big ol' update today. Whew, this was a marathon to finish! But totally worth it. This gets us to the final act leaving us...hmmm seven chapters to go, maybe give or take one. I hope you enjoy this update! Thank you all so much for your comments and votes. It brings me joy to create something people love <3


"There are entry ways, here," the stick pointed to a pebble, "here," it pointed to a broken spindle, "and here," a bit of ribbon. Asha circled the model of the castle, which was two books propped against each other to make a triangle, "So if we go this way," the twig scraped along the floorboards to the right, "that would bring us by the guardhouse," her eyes flicked to the boy across from her, "which would obviously be too dangerous."


"So," the spindle was picked up and tossed behind her, "we could go this way," the stick continued its circle around the makeshift palace, "and that would put us under the castle. We'd have to find a way to get through the dungeons without being seen. Being that the place is crawling with guards," the girl flicked the ribbon away, "I'm going to say a hard 'no' on that one."

Sol leaned over the scene. Propping his head in his hand, he squinted at the conglomeration before him.

"With that said, that leaves only one option," she gulped, tapping the pebble which marked the main entrance.

"Well, that's bold...and a bit stupid. Carry on."

"I am the king's apprentice after all, I should be able to request an audience with him."

"Didn't he discontinue your training until further notice?"

Asha looked away. Crossing her arms, the unguarded stick hung low over her elbow. Valentino looked over, suddenly very interested.

How quickly things had changed. The edict issued by the frustrated king, spread faster than the plague. Raiding parties infected the narrow streets of the once peaceful city. Their search was so ferocious, the girl was sure they'd turned over every stone. But still she heard the sound of broken glass and cursing into the next day. It went on at all hours. Whenever one party rested, another took up the mantle.When they couldn't find the intruder, they pilfered the broken places they created. Some of the nastier kinds burned what they couldn't take, others were decent enough to simply leave behind a mess. Those who weren't agents to the madness, cleaned up what was left behind. Though there weren't many of them. Starvation had driven most to drastic measures. Her door was yet to be disturbed, but she knew it was only a matter of time.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"No," he smothered a cough, "but I have one that will work."

The girl harrumphed.

The star held out his hand, "I'll show you."

She pursed her lips, handing over the twig before the little goat could chop down. His eyes followed where it landed in the boy's palm. He resumed his mission.

"You Asha," he pointed at her, "will take me to the king," the stick bumped the pebble, scooting it between the leaning books, "as a show of utmost dedication and loyalty. Then when the moment is right, you'll find a window and," using the pointer as an arrow he mimed drawing it back, whistling to indicate flight, "Bam! The sun goes dark."

Face drawn, she retrieved the pebble and set it back in its original position, "I don't like that plan."

"Well, it's the most realistic."

"What about Dahlia's tunnels?"

"We don't know how many of them are intact. Unless you want to include her in our little plot," his voice was challenging, but he knew what the girl's answer was going to be.

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