Chapter Sīx

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Ravin's eyes blazed with anger as he glared up at Teylue. "You disgust me," he spat out. "And you only look about a year older than me." Murkur's face hardened for a moment, but then he chuckled again, shaking his head.

"Ah, Ravin." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device, pressing a button on it. Immediately, the warehouse lights flickered and died, plunging them into darkness. "I'm afraid our little chat is at an end for now," Murkur said, his voice echoing in the darkness.

Ravin gasped when he felt someone come up behind him and cuff something over his face. The last thing he remembered was the sensation of falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.

He grunted and woozily opened his eyes  to find himself in a dimly lit room, bound to a chair with some sort of rope. His head felt fuzzy, and his vision was blurry. As his senses returned, he realized that his gun had been stolen along with his backpack. He tried to move, but his arms and legs were securely bound to the chair.

Teylue appeared in front of Ravin, a smirk on his face. "Welcome back home, Ravin," he said, his voice echoing in the small room. "I trust you had a restful sleep?" Ravin glared at him but remained silent. Teylue chuckled and walked around the chair, examining Ravin closely. "You're quite the interesting one, Ravin. I can see the potential in you. But first, you must understand that this world isn't as black and white as you think it is."

Ravin continued to say nothing, clenching his jaw as he tried to wiggle out of the ropes. They were tight against his skin, and he could feel the rough texture against his wrists and ankles. He continued to glare at Murkur, refusing to break eye contact.

Teylue raised an eyebrow at Ravin's defiance. "You're a tough one, aren't you?" He mused. "But I'm not here to force you into anything. I'm simply offering you an opportunity to make a difference in this world. A world that needs people like us."

Ravin grunted, his voice hoarse from struggling against the ropes. "The world is dying from people like you!" He spat out, still glaring at Murkur. Teylue's eyes flashed with anger, but then he smiled again, shaking his head. "Ah, Ravin. You really are something else."

Ravin's voice was still cracky from disuse and dehydration. "Why me? Why are you targeting me? And why are you killing people." He asked, his eyes darting around the room as he tried to figure out a way to escape. Murkur giggled softly, leaning against the wall next to Ravin's chair.

Ravin's red eyes flickered in the dim candlelight as he tried to make sense of Murkur's words. He couldn't understand why this man was so interested in him enough to keep him alive for this long. He
Teylue Murker was just a kid, trying to make a difference in the world? But Murkur wasn't just a kid, he was a mastermind behind a powerful organization that had been manipulating events from the shadows for much longer than he had predicted.

Ravin was apparently a promising recruit in his eyes, one with potential to help him achieve his goals. And those goals were far greater than anything Ravin could have ever imagined, in the room was boards with names of all of his victims and plans on destroying and freeing every criminal in the underground prison.

"You were the first one to get a real lead on me and ever sense then... I have felt something for you." Teylue chuckled with a slight Sadistic look.
Ravin's eyes widened in horror as he realized the truth. Murkur had probably been stalking him, following his every move, all in an attempt to recruit him for his organization. And now, here he was, bound and helpless, faced with a choice that could change the course of his life forever, and if he chose wrong it would mean life or death.

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