Chapter Fīvë

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As he drove towards the warehouse he wiped his eyes a bit because they had been clogging up his Vision the whole drive. As Ravin pulled up to the abandoned warehouse, his heart was pounding in his chest. He knew this could be a trap, but he had to find out what Teylue Murkur was planning.

He cautiously stepped out of his car and peered around the dark, abandoned building. Ravin looked down at his phone and cursed under his breath as he realized his messages to the police hadn't gone through. He was on his own now.

He slowly approached the entrance of the warehouse, his senses on high alert. As he reached for the door handle, he heard a click behind him. He turned around to see a figure standing in the shadows. Ravin's heart skipped a beat as he turned to face the figure in the shadows. His mind raced with possibilities, none of them good.

He braced himself for the worst as the person stepped out of the darkness. The figure revealed itself to be a tall, menacing man with a deep scar running down his left cheek. His eyes were cold and emotionless, like those of a predator. He held a knife in his hand, the blade glinting ominously in the dim light.

"Y-you are not him." Ravin stared at the man and pointed his gun at the strange man. The man chuckled darkly and shook his head. "No, I'm not him," he said, his voice low and threatening. "But I want you dead." He took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Ravin's.

Ravin's hands trembled as he gripped the gun tighter. As the man took another step forward, Ravin could feel his heart racing. He knew he couldn't afford to hesitate. He raised his gun and aimed it at the man's chest, his finger tightening around the trigger. The man stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows. "You actually have some balls, kid." The man tilted his head. "What... of course I do, so don't try anything or these bad boys will go through your head." Ravins eyes were cold as he clenched onto the gun tightly, but halting his fire.

"I was sent here to make sure you didn't interfere with tonight's meeting," the man replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "But since you seem to be so determined, I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson." The man stepped closer again "I was invited." Ravin choked out the words with disgust.

The man laughed darkly. "Oh, so you were. Well, Teylue Murkur must have changed his mind. Or maybe he wants to deal with you... personally." He took another step forward, his knife glinting in the dim light. The man laughed darkly. Ravin's heart pounded in his chest as he realized he was in serious danger.

He couldn't let this man hurt him or anyone else. He steeled himself and fired his gun, aiming for the man's chest. The man dodged the bullet and lunged towards Ravin, knife raised. „You almost got me." The man said solidly as he dug the knife into Ravin's arm. He let out a yelp of agony as the knife went fully into his arm.

Then out of the blue, a cold, deep voice made them both stop in their tracks.
Ravin and the man turned to see a tall, imposing figure standing in the entrance of the warehouse. The man's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the figure. "M-Murkur," he stammered, dropping his knife and raising his hands in surrender.

Teylue Murkur, the boy who had invited Ravin to the meeting, stepped out of the shadows. He was dressed impeccably in a black suit, his white and blue hair spiked up just as in the picture. His eyes glinted with amusement as he looked at the man on the ground, then turned to Ravin.

"Ah, Ravin." Teylue glanced down at his bleeding arm with a sly grin. Ravin felt a knot form in his stomach as he stared at Teylue Murkur. "You set me up," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Teylue chuckled softly and shook his head. "Oh, no, my boy," he replied, walking towards Ravin. "I simply knew that some..." He paused and grabbed a long dagger.
"...enthusiastic individuals might try to intervene," Teylue finished, reaching out to touch Ravin's shoulder. "But don't worry, my dear Ravin."

Ravin flinched as he saw a slight shade of pink form on the murderers face.
Murkur continued, his voice low and soothing. "You've proven yourself to me tonight. You have the courage and determination that I was looking for. I see great potential in you, Ravin."

Ravin looked up at Teylue, a mixture of surprise and confusion on his face. "But... why?" Murkur smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Because I believe in you, Ravin," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. "And because I need someone like you on my team." He placed his hand on Ravin's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze, making Ravin flinch as the wound on his arm was agonizing.

Ravin's eyes narrowed as he looked up at Murkur. "I would never team with a cold-blooded murderer," he said through gritted teeth. Murkur's face fell slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "Ah, Ravin," he said, chuckling softly."You remind me so much of myself when I was your age. Passionate and idealistic.

But the world isn't always black and white, my dear. Sometimes we must do things we don't agree with to achieve our goals. And I have goals for you, Ravin. Great goals." Teylue glanced over at the other man who was still cowering on the ground. „Get up unless you want a matching scar on the other side." Teylue's tone changed instantly as he stared down at the man in pure disgust.

As to his command, the man quickly did as he said. „Don't call me ,dear," Ravin glared harshly at Teylue, who was now distracted some sort of beetle that was crawling up a tree. He readied his knife and stabbed it into the bug with a grin. 'He is weird for a murder.' Ravin stared at the bug with a frown.

The moon was fully up and it was casting silvery light over everything seeming to make it glow. Ravin looked at his blood soaked arm and he tore the sleeve off of his arm with a pained grunt. Then he continued to wrap the cloth around the stab wound to halt the bleeding.

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