Chapter 19

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When they both reached the hospital, the medics immediately told the staff that Alexios was Sebastien's family. They allowed him everywhere that Sebastien was except the operating room. Without his LED Alexios looked completely human. He wasn't worried that he'd be found out to be an android. He did receive a few glances from a passing nurse or a guest of the hospital from time to time. They'd give him warm and inviting smiles but there was also attraction in their eyes. The looks made Alexios a bit uncomfortable. He didn't care about them anyway. He only wanted his Sebastien to be okay.

The doctors couldn't save Sebastien's kidney, luckily humans could live with just one. However, an "anonymous" donor sent in a hefty amount of money to provide Sebastien with an artificial kidney. Sebastien also lost forty percent of the blood in his entire body. Had he lost a drop more than that, he would have died. The hospital had plenty of blood for him on hand and all of the transfusions were a success. The surgeon also explained that Sebastien's body took well to the new kidney. He just needed to rest.

The sound of Sebastien's heart monitor beat rhythmically. The hospital room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop between the beeps. Alexios stared intently at Sebastien. He studied his features, digitally memorizing everything physically about the man. He noticed Sebastien had a small scar covered by the hair on the edges of his right eyebrow. He made a reminder to ask Sebastien about the scar if he woke up. When he woke up. The LED ring that Alexios put back around Sebastien's neck after his surgery blinked yellow. It had burned bright red for hours. 

Alexios looked down at his hand that held tightly onto Sebastien's. He rubbed the back of Sebastien's hand with his thumb. The quiet and the constant beeps were beginning to bother him. He needed something else to get his mind off of things so he reached for the remote control and turned on the television.

"At dawn today, November 11th 2038, thousands of androids invaded the city of Detroit," President Warren of the United States spoke at the White House. She had already given a statement on the recent events hours ago but the news media continued playing her address on repeat on every channel. Alexios snorted at her use of the word "invaded". He couldn't fathom how androids protesting peacefully was an invasion.

"According to our sources, they originated from the CyberLife warehouses believed to have been infiltrated by deviants," the President continued.

"Oh," Alexios said aloud. She wasn't talking about Markus's group. It also seemed that Agent Perkins was wrong. Alexios, Markus, and the others weren't the last remaining deviants.

"Given their overwhelming numbers and the risk of civilian casualties, I have ordered the army to retreat," the President spoke unflinching. "The evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment." Alexios recalled that after Sebastien had his emergency surgery, the hospital had begun to evacuate. However, a few of the patients could not be transported, Sebastien included. Some of the doctors, nurses, and staff opted to stay. They were all android sympathizers.

"In the coming hours, I will address the Senate to determine our response to this unprecedented situation," President Warren droned on. "I know that public opinion has been moved by the deviants' cause. Perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life." Alexios snorted again and shook his head. This woman really knew how to play both sides.

"One thing is certain: the events in Detroit have changed the world forever," President Warren showed the slightest hint of emotion when she spoke those words. "May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America." Alexios turned the television off and looked back to Sebastien who was still soundly asleep. He finally let go of his hand and got comfortable enough to place his head on the bed. Even though he required no sleep, he felt exhausted.

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