Chapter 14

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A few of the androids were still cautious of Sebastien, but they welcomed his help nonetheless. Seeing a human risk his life by coming here to aid them gave a lot them hope. If this one human wanted to lend a hand, then surely there were more like him that didn't want to see them destroyed.

"I think I've done all I can here," Sebastien said to Alexios as he sat a small crate of blue blood down.

"Good, now we can..." Alexios stopped mid-sentence. He was listening.

"What's going on, Kara," Sebastien heard the large Black android ask the woman he spoke with earlier. The one who was looking for her little girl.

"Quick, we've gotta get out of here," she told him. That immediately worried Sebastien.

"Lex, what's..." Sebastien began to ask.

"She's right. We have to go," Alexios took Sebastien's hand to lead him out of the freighter. Faintly, Sebastien was able to hear helicopter blades above them. Outside soldiers of the U.S. Army roped themselves down from two helicopters, feet landing on top of Jericho. More soldiers piled out of Humvees, guns drawn, and marched towards the freighter. Their orders were clear. Destroy everything inside.

Gunfire and screams echoed through the corridors as Alexios ran with Sebastien in tow. His inhuman hearing and vision allowed him to easily avoid the path of the soldiers. Sebastien was near inconsolable, but he kept up with Alexios as best he could. The dead androids that lined the floors and corridors broke him because he had just spoken with a few of them seconds earlier.

"Please don't hurt us!" Sebastien heard an android plead. Stopping in his tracks, he let go of Alexios's hand and followed the voice.

"Bastien!" Alexios called after him. Sebastien leaving his side caught him off guard. He followed him down a different hallway where two soldiers were about to execute a group of androids. Without thinking, Sebastien picked up a broken pipe from the ground and swung it at the soldier closest to him. The other soldier aimed his gun at Sebastien preparing to fire. Before he was able to pull the trigger, the gun was wrested from his hand and then used to strike him down to the ground. As the first soldier gained his footing, a punch struck his head, completely shattering his Kevlar helmet. He too fell to the ground.

"Thank you!" one of the androids yelled as the group began to run away.

"What were you thinking, Bash?!" Alexios yelled at him.

"We have to help them, Alexios," Sebastien simply said. "We cannot let any more of them die."

"There are exits on the second and third floor. Find them and jump in the river!" Markus's voice sounded in Alexios's head.

"Okay," Alexios agreed with Sebastien. "If we find more along the way, we save them, but we have to go now."

"Right!" Sebastien nodded. He took Alexios's hand and they were off again. True to his word Alexios fought off soldier after soldier to free androids from coming to harm. He moved lightning fast and the element of surprise was in his favor. Although he wasn't able to save everyone, he saved as many as he could. All were grateful and some followed Alexios towards an exit.

The hatched door that Alexios led his small group to was bolted shut. Gunshots continued to echo through the freighter. Using both hands to grip the steel door, it bent and crumbled under his palms. Loosening the door enough, one swift kick pushed it out of their way causing it to crash into the river below. Sebastien encouraged the other androids to go first. They all jumped from the freighter landing safely in the water.

"Bash, get on my back," Alexios ordered his lover.

"What?" Sebastien asked confused.

"The water is freezing," Alexios explained. "Hurry!" Sebastien hopped on Alexios's back, wrapping his arms around Alexios's neck. Alexios held tightly to Sebastien's legs across his waist. Backing away from the door to get a running start, Alexios sprinted down the corridor towards the opening of the ship. Bending his knees as the last possible second, he launched himself and Sebastien in the air away from the freighter. The speed and height of his jump carried them across the river to a portion of the dock that was remote and abandoned.

As soon as Alexios's feet touched the ground explosions rang out into the night sky. Jericho went up in flames. Alexios saw the soldiers begin to retreat as a few more androids were able to jump to the safety of the river. Sebastien's arms tightened around Alexios's neck as he began to cry. The androids just wanted peace and to live how they saw fit. They were met with hostility, hate, and violence. Why?

"Meet us at the Woodward Church," Alexios heard Markus say in his head. He was glad that he was still alive at least.

"Come on, love," Alexios spoke softly to Sebastien who hugged his neck. "Let's go." He walked away from the burning freighter that began to sink with Sebastien still clinging tightly to him on his back. 

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