Chapter 8

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"Looking good, Alexios!" Violet called out from her booth seat. She managed to get to the local android-friendly gay club first and secured the booth for the four of them. She was currently ogling Alexios as if she'd die if she looked away. He was wearing a fitted white dress shirt with the first three buttons undone showing his chest. His sleeves were rolled up his forearms to his elbows. A thin silver chain was around his neck with the letter "L" dangling from it. The gray slacks he wore, also tight fitting, hugged his thighs and butt in all the right ways. It wasn't lost to Sebastien or Violet the amount of attention Alexios would get before the night was done.

"I'm glad you could come, Vi," Sebastien said to her, voice slightly raised due to the music in the background. She wore an all red romper with a thick black belt around her waist. The top of the romper was completely undone as the bejeweled bra she wore underneath glittered in the dim lights. Her matching red pumps made her uncovered legs pop. Sebastien simply wore a white polo with dark faded jeans and loafers. He wasn't the type to go all out with his fashion. He always wore what was the most comfortable. Sebastien slid into the booth across from Violet. By instinct, Alexios slid in next to Sebastien on his left. The grin forming on Violet's lips could not be contained.

"What?" Sebastien chuckled at her.

"Oh nothing, Bash," Violet said as she looked around the nightclub. "Looks like you two are the only ones wearing white tonight."

"It wasn't planned," Sebastien shook his head.

"I planned it," Alexios spoke and smiled warmly.

"Oh my god, shut up, Lex," Sebastien rolled his eyes and laughed. He playfully hit Alexios's chest with the back of his hand.

"When's your new boyfriend coming?" Violet asked. Alexios immediately went rigid. Violet noticed almost immediately.

"He's not my boyfriend," Sebastien corrected her. "We haven't put a label on it yet."

"He hasn't, you haven't, or you both haven't?" Violet asked.

"Well..." Sebastien trailed off. "Let's say we haven't decided on that yet. We're still getting to know each other after all."

"Mhm," Violet raised an eyebrow.

"There he is!" Sebastien shouted as he began to wave out into the crowd. A hand waved back as all of their eyes centered on the man heading their way. His hazel eyes twinkled in the dim lights, the dimples in his cheeks deepened as he smiled. The graphic tee of a local band he wore complimented the many bracelets on his wrists. His t-shirt was partially tucked revealing the studded leather belt around his waist. His long legs made it seem as if he was floating through the crowd to get to their table. He was an extremely good looking man. Violet watched Alexios's body language the entire time.

"Hey everyone," Chris spoke when he got to the end of their booth.

"Chris!" Sebastien shouted. "This is my best friend, Violet."

"Nice to meet you," Chris said shaking Violet's hand.

"Likewise," Violet told him.

"And this is my..." Sebastien stopped. He wasn't sure how to introduce Alexios. He couldn't say that he was his android.

"Your..." Chris encouraged him to continue.

"Alexios," Sebastien finished. "This is Alexios." Alexios stretched out his hand.

"I've heard so much about you," Chris said to Alexios as he shook his hand. Alexios continued to shake Chris's hand as his eyebrows furrowed, confusion drawing on his face.

"Should we go get drinks?" Violet asked.

"I'd love one," Chris answered. "Buy the first round, Bash?" The nickname startled Sebastien. He only let those close to him call him Bash. However, he smiled since it meant that he and Chris were getting closer.

An Imitation of Love (A Detroit: Become Human Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن