Chapter 17

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Markus ordered the group to begin digging in their heels and barricading themselves in. A group of androids managed to find an abandoned city bus and push it to the center of Hart Plaza. Another group found a metal shell of a car and sat it down. A few rolled dumpsters to the center. They were using everything they could find to create a defensive circle around the area. Wooden pallets, metal barrels, tires, and snow were piled up high to create a protective barrier around the group. The journalists and media still took photos and recorded what was happening on their side of the fence. On the other side, the soldiers stood stoically and ready for their orders. The android barricade sat silently right in the middle of both groups.

Sebastien watched as Markus, Simon, and Josh pushed another vehicle towards the barricade to reinforce it. A set of androids leaned a small metallic billboard that they pulled from the street against the car. The three then jumped on top of the car to enter the barricade. Markus then went around with a lighter setting the insides of the metal barrels on fire to warm up the group. Quite a few androids were sitting down, waiting, and comforting each other still. Sebastien held a pole in his hand and attached to the pole was a large banner. On the banner, an upside down triangle with a closed fist coming out of it waved gently in the cold breeze. Markus smiled at him as he walked up.

"Let me help you with that," Markus said to him as he led Sebastien to one side of the barricade. They walked up some makeshift steps to a platform overlooking the soldiers who waited patiently, as if they had all the time in the world. Sebastien raised the banner as Markus guided the pole into a small opening within the wall of the barricade. The banner waved proudly in the wind, giving the soldiers a full glimpse of their symbol of peace.

"How are you holding up?" Sebastien asked Markus. "I can't imagine being in your shoes right now."

"The fate of my people rests on my shoulders," Markus explained. "It's definitely not a good feeling, Sebastien."

"It may not mean much coming from me, but..." Sebastien trailed off. "But you shouldn't have to carry this burden alone. If there's anything more I can do, please tell me." Markus looked back out towards the soldiers. The waving banner would occasionally block his vision of the men as it continued to fly proudly.

"You being here is more than enough," Markus told him. "You being here is giving a lot of my people hope." Markus placed a strong hand on Sebastien's soldier and squeezed. Sebastien simply nodded and looked back out towards the camp. He prayed to every deity that they would all make it out of this alive.

Markus continued helping and supporting his people with Sebastien continuing to follow his lead. Markus eventually pulled Alexios aside and they spoke alone. Sebastien assumed it was a similar conversation to the one they just had. Under better circumstances, he had hoped that Alexios could make friends with the others. He loved the time they spent together, but Alexios still needed to lead his own life. He needed to spend time and be with his own people too. Markus and Alexios were both incredible men. He hoped that they would stick together, even after all of this was over.

"Markus!" Simon shouted. "Markus, come look!" Simon, North, and Josh were up on the makeshift platform overlooking the soldiers who were still at the ready. Markus, Alexios, and Sebastien joined them. They saw an older gentleman stepping slowly towards their barricade. He wore a long winter coat over his dark blazer, shirt, and tie. Sebastien figured he was either a detective or a negotiator.

"Markus!" The man shouted into a megaphone. "I've come to talk to you, Markus." Markus's face gave off no sense of trust to this man.

"Agent Richard Perkins," Alexios spoke when he scanned the man. "He's with the FBI."

"Come on, you have my word. They won't try anything," Agent Perkins said, referring to his soldiers.

"Don't go..." Simon told Markus.

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