"Botherin' ye, Potter?" Moody growled.

"No, sir. We were just talking," Harry said.

"Interesting," Moody said, staring intently at Malfoy with his good eye. "From what I've heard, you don't get on with Draco Malfoy."

"Things change," Harry said, slowly getting to his feet and unconsciously moving closer to Malfoy. "A lot's happened this year."

"You don't stop being a Death Eater," Moody said and Harry stiffened when he saw the man grab his wand.

"You're mad!" Malfoy said.

"He's not a Death Eater," Harry said.

"On the way, considerin' his father," Moody said. "'Sides, you don't know a Death Eater when you see one, Potter."

Before Harry could ask what the man was talking about, Moody had waved his wand and Malfoy was suddenly a small white ferret. Harry's eyes widened.

"Professor!" Harry shouted. "Professor, stop!"

Malfoy—the ferret—was now bounding up and down in the air, squealing with fear.

"Little taste of what happens to Death Eaters," Moody snarled.

"Professor!" Harry yelled again. "He's not a Death Eater! He's only fourteen!"

"I've seen younger."


Harry snapped his gaze over Moody's shoulder and found McGonagall rushing towards them. Once there, she gasped at the ferret and immediately flicked her wand. The ferret disappeared and a fearful, disheveled Draco Malfoy took its place. Harry ran over and helped Malfoy to his feet, gazing at the clearly insane professor.

"Alastor, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment, particularly not on students," McGonagall said.

"He was harassing Potter," Moody said.

"That's not true!" Harry argued.

"Regardless, there is no excuse," McGonagall said. "Run along now, boys," she added to Harry and Malfoy. They instantly headed inside, Harry snatching up his golden egg. Once inside, they stopped in the Entrance Hall and Harry turned to Malfoy.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine, Potter," Malfoy said shortly. "Man's a lunatic."

"Yeah, he is."

"I have to go. See you later," and Malfoy disappeared through the door to the dungeons. Harry just sighed, wondering what the Auror's deal was. He turned, intending to return to Gryffindor Tower, when he was intercepted.


He looked at McGonagall. "Yes, Professor?"

"As a Triwizard champion, you are required to dance the opening dance at the Yule Ball."

Harry sighed again. Right, the ball. Christmas day, the traditional Yule Ball was taking place. They were all being given dance lessons as it was expected, as the host school, that all Hogwarts students would make the best impression. As a champion, he had to have a date and he had no idea who to bring. Nearly everyone, while fonder of him, was not fond enough to be his dance partner. He was not looking forward to the night.

"I am?"

"Yes, Potter. Have you found a partner yet?"

"Not yet, Professor."

"Best get on it," McGonagall said. "All eyes will be on you as the unconventional champion."

"Yes, Professor."

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