Twenty-Six 🏁

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    "How is she holding up?" Jungkook asked over the phone. I looked back at Ji as I walked out of the room so I don't wake her. "She's fine.. but last night she practically cried herself to sleep." I informed him. "How's Jin?" I asked as I started looking around my kitchen for breakfast ideas.

  "Oh him." Jungkook paused, "well he's fine too but he's about as depressed as your friend." He said causing me to sigh. "You know the way he described his ex was exactly like your friend you know." I bit my lip because I knew he was trying to fish around and find out if his assumption is true or not. It's not my business to tell anyways but he wouldn't say anything... right? "Jin is or was her boyfriend." I said and the line went silent. "How did you figure this out? I thought you never met her boyfriend?" Jungkook sounded very confused. "She told me last night the name, so I got curious and showed her a picture and she confirmed it." I explained, as I started mixing up pancake mix.  "Well shit hyung is going to be a dad." Jungkook whispered. "Y/n we have to get them to talk or something he has to know." Jungkook mentioned.  I sighed and seriously agree with him but there is no way I'm getting Ji out of this house today. She takes breakups so hard normally she turns into a couch potato for a couple of days. "I agree kook but I don't know if she will want to just yet not unless there is an explanation to why he broke up with her." I said kind of unsure. "I know and she will get that explanation, he's already regretting his decisions." Jungkook sounded hopeful. "I want to know it first, because if it's going to tear her apart any more then I am giving it a couple of days." I said. "He broke up with her because his dad like I said yesterday, his dad started noticing the signs and asked Jin and he got scared and cut it off before his dads opinion." Jungkook explained. I huffed and rolled my eyes. "His dad shouldn't have that much damn control." I said. "Yes I know but y/n we all come from dark places and Jin's dad practically runs the underworld, he's very powerful and jin doesn't want to put Ji in any sort of danger."  I listened and I understood. "Well I'll talk to her, I can try to be there as soon as possible." I said. " sounds great baby." Jungkook said softly. "See you later." I said and Jungkook hummed in response.

   I turned my phone off and sighed. Now I'm on a mission, and I don't even know where to start. I went back to making breakfast and once I finished I went to go wake up Ji.

  I sat down on the bed beside her and gently shook her. "Ji wake up I made breakfast." I whispered. She groaned and turned to look at me. "Y/n it's too early to be up!" She hid her face. "It's nine thirty now get up." I giggled as I pulled her arm. "What did you even make?" She asked. "Chocolate chip pancakes and bacon." I said and she instantly sat up. "Okay I'm up cmon before it gets cold." She said as she stood up and ran to the kitchen. This has practically been her favorite thing since I could remember. I walked into the kitchen and sat down with her. I began to eat but she started crying.

   "These are sooo good and they remind me of him!" She let out a sob. I didn't say anything instead I hugged her and let her cry.  She pulled away and sat up straight. "Thanks." She mumbled and began to eat again. We sat in silence as we ate but it wasn't awkward. My phone dinged and I looked down at it.

Hey baby! Jin is on board.
Have you talked to her yet?

   I looked up at Ji who was finishing her last bite of pancake. I hesitated but decided to go with it anyways. "Ji?" She looked up at me and hummed. "Uhm so, I talked with Jungkook and he said that Jin wants to talk." I said slowly. Her eyes grew big and welled up with tears. "H-he does?" She asked is disbelief. "Yes he does, but it's only if you want to go." I said. She sniffled and smiled at me. "I'm going to get ready you should too." She said and stood up. "I have to steal your clothes just for the record." She giggled and walked away.  I replied to Jungkook letting him know we will be there sooner or later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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