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I woke up and started my day like I do each and every morning. After I'm completely ready I looked at myself in the mirror. "Maybe today will be the day!" I say to myself as I stare at my mechanic uniform. I sigh knowing it's probably not going to be the day in fact that day may not even come but I still try to be optimistic. You may be asking what am I talking about? Well I am a female car mechanic however my boss will rarely let me work on anything. I'm considered the "errand girl" he doesn't necessarily believe that I can work on a car but I like to think that he is absolutely wrong.

I moved away from the mirror and walked to the kitchen to grab me a cereal bar. I then walked to the door and put my shoes on. I grabbed by bag and walked out locking the door. I began to walk to work. I wish I had a car I thought while I watched cars going by I pouted at the thought. Speaking of cars I wish I would have stayed long enough to watch a race last night. I think I was to anxious to stay. Eh I got to look at the cars and bikes thats good enough.

I arrive at the garage and am instantly greeted by my best best best friend ever. "Morning y/n-ah!"
"Morning chanie." I say sitting my bag down. He smiles at me and finishes putting things into place. "Soo how did last night go." He asked. "It went okay.." I mumbled causing him to stop what he was doing and look up at me. "You got caught?" He looked shocked then laughed. "Well I did but I still got to stay." I said and he looked at me confused. He began to walk towards a car that he's been working on. "Long story Chan." I say following him. He gets on the roll board and rolls up underneath the car. "Well I'm pretty sure you can share some details." He says. "Well I was checking out the bike and the owner of the bike started talking to me and I didn't know he was and he questioned me a little and I sort of made up a lie and got caught." I paused when Chan rolled out from up underneath the car giving me a 'you serious' kind of look. "Let me guess you ran away got questioned made an agreement when you got caught and questioned?" I looked at him sheepishly as he rolled his eyes. "Hand me the wrench." He held out his hand. I looked in the tool box and found one. I handed it to him and he went back under the car. "Y/n You are practically so predictable at this point..." l whine at his statement. "Look I didn't know what to do....running was just my first instinct." I try to defend myself but in reality I was not getting anywhere. "Y/n don't be so predictable next time." I heard a muffled laugh come from him. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways you said they let you stay did you see any races?" I sighed "no Chan I didn't I kind of decided to leave early after I looked at all the vehicles."

"You're so lame they let you stay and you were still a wussy and left." I pouted at the comment chan made. "Well I'm not a wussy I still snuck in and had the balls to do it." I stated causing chan to laugh again. "Wow y/n since when were you a man?" He joked sarcastically. "Whatever chan at least I went you would have been to scared to do it." I said. He rolled back out from under the car and raised his eyebrow. I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and threw the wrench at my foot. I gasped and acted like I was offended. "Surr you can't do that." I picked up the wrench and wiped it off before putting it back into the tool box. I go to speak again but I was cut off by my boss yelling for me. "Y/n where are you?!" I rushed over to him. "Sorry Mr. jung I was helping out Chan is there anything I can help you with?" I asked as I seen his stern expression.

"Y/n I'm allowing you to work on a car.." he started to say. I widened my eyes. NO FREAKING WAY!!! Omg this is absolutely amazing! I bite my lip out of excitement. "Y/n this is my sons best friend and he is considered a special costumer if you mess up you will be fired." He says warning me. I nodded . "Don't worry sir I will make sure to do the best I can!" I said very cheerfully. "I'll go get the car give me a few." He said walking away. As soon as he was out of sight I squeal. Everyone in the garage looks at me weirdly. I cleared my throat and looked around awkwardly.

Mr.Jung came back in the car. Here comes my inner car nerd. ITS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL. I'm so weird. Why do I do these things?
Mr.Jung parks the car and gets out. "So uh what's the issue?" I asked. "The radiator needs fixed and it also needs a new set of breaks." I smile and nod. "I will get it fixed as soon as possible." He nods and walks off. I smiled to myself and then began to start working.
Periodically Mr.Jung would come and check and make sure I was doing everything right and try to control how I was doing things. It got very annoying but I still tried to do my job. But here he was once again standing over me watching my every movement. "Mr.Jung not trying to be disrespectful but if you are so worried about what I'm trying to do why don't you just do it yourself?" I asked bluntly which took him by surprise. "Sorry y/n I just want it done right." He said looking everywhere but me . Of course part of what played key in this was the fact that I was a girl and he found me incapable. "Mr.Jung it will be done correctly but you distracting me is going to mess me up." I mentioned as I reached into my tool box grabbing a tool. "Ah yes I suppose you're right." He mumbled before he walked off. I finished everything after a little while. I was double checking and making sure everything else with the car was good. Nothing else seemed wrong so I walked inside the lobby part of the garage. Ahh feels so good to be inside where the AC is. It's so hot outside and in the car garage. I walked up to the counter and added up the total of everything. Mr.Jung walked in along with who I'm assuming owns the car but I didn't bother to look up since I could hear Mr.Jung's big mouth. "Ah y/n you're finished ??" He asked. I wanted to say noooo I'm just standing here typing random numbers into a calculator because I'm so bored! But instead I said "Yes sir I am just adding the total up." I tried saying Politely. "Oh well give Jungkook here a major discount will ya?" Mr. Jung asked and I nodded. I restarted throwing away the paper that had the previous total on it and started over again making sure to give him a "major" discount. "Okay I'm finished the total will be-" I looked up at the man and made eye contact. My eyes widened and his kind of did too. "Trespasser?" He mumbled causing me to glare at him. "Ahem anyways your total is $675 after your major discount." I said trying to just get this interaction done and over with. He pulls out his wallet and gave me his card. As I was getting the payment to process the Jungkook guy starts to try and start a conversation with me. "I didn't know you were a mechanic." I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Hmm yeah I am don't get to work on cars much." I say honestly and he just nods. "Why's that?" He asked. I didn't bother looking up. "Because I'm a girl that's why." He got quite. I handed him his card. " I figured you could fix your own car since you attend such events." I made the comment and he just blankly stared at me. "I can but I was busy and had to result in getting someone else to." I hummed in response. I was going to say something but Chan had walked in. "Y/n?" I turned and looked at him. "Do you know where the oil pan is?" He asked walking towards the counter beside Jungkook. "Oh it's on the shelf beside the big tool box" I said. "Okay thanks bub" he says walking away stealing a glance at Jungkook then at me. Mr.Jung walked up to Jungkook and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "Now Jungkook if you have any issues out of your car you tell me and I will handle it got it?" Mr.Jung sneakily gives me a glare before he smiles at Jungkook. "Okay thank you Uncle ." Jungkook smiled and bowed.

"I'll go get his car." I said rolling my eyes before I walked back outside. Ughhhh!! Why does it have to be him??? I didn't want to see his stupid handsome ass again. I thought before I dug the keys out of my pocket. I got in the car and put the keys in the ignition before I pulled out and parked it out front. I stoped the car got out and went back inside. "She's all ready to go." I say giving Jungkook a fake smile before I drop the keys into his hand. He stares at me for a moment. "Mm okay thank you for fixing her up." He said before bidding Mr.Jung goodbye. He walked out . I watched as he pulled away.
I was going back outside but Mr. Jung Stopped me. "Y/n if there is no complaints your next pay check with have double and I will allow you to work on some cars."I smiled at his statement. "Thank you so much Mr.Jung!!!" I say bowing. I walked out side. "CHANNNN!!!!" I squealed . He peaked out from the hood of the car he was working on. "What??" He asked startled.

"Guess what!" I said excitedly. "What?" He asked looking so confused. "I get double on my pay check! And I get the right to work on some cars now!!!" I said with a big smile on my face. He smiled himself. "That's great! I'm so happy for you!" He says excitedly before hugging me. I giggled feeling so happy. "How about on Friday aka the day I get paid I treat you to dinner for being such a wonderful best friend." I wiggled my eye brows. He laughed "Sounds like a great idea" he smiles at me before he went back to putting oil in the car. "Oh y/n that guy do you know him?" He asked catching me off guard. "Well I met him last night." I said causing him to look up at me once again. "What??" "Yeah he was the owner of the bike." I said. "Well wellwhat are the odds." He said. He finishes and closes the hood of the car. "You know he called me a trespasser like uh sir I have a name!" I said causing Chan to laugh. "Y/n technically you kind of are one." I mumble "whatever." And go to find something better to do.

Hours later...
I just got home an hour and a half ago I just got out of the shower and now I'm trying to make dinner I couldn't decide what I wanted so I decided just to make me some cup noodles. I walked over to my couch sat down and turned on the TV excited to watch my new episode of the current drama I'm hooked on. I was just getting ready to start the episode when I hear my phone buzz I ignored it but then it buzzed again. I pick my phone up and frown once I turn it on.

1min ago jkscool_97 started following you.

Now jkscool_97 sent a chat
Hey trespasser ;)

I stared at my phone this idiot did not just find me on instagram...

End of chapter two 🏁

Street Racer 🏁 Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now