Twenty-four 🏁

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     Soft kisses were being planted all over my face. "Y/n sweetheart." I heard a soft whisper before another kiss was planted on my cheek. I hummed before I fluttered my eyes open. I was met with a smiling Jungkook. I gave him a smile. "Im making breakfast," Jungkook stood up. "And I have the shower warming up for you since you need to get ready for work."

   Oh my gosh he's perfect! All This for me? I seriously need out of this fantasy. My smile grew . I sat up and looked around. Clothes were all over the floor, I was in Jungkooks shirt and he was shirtless. I stood up and hugged him. "You're too sweet." I kissed his jawline. He looked down at me. "Only for you." He replied back with most cheesy and cliche response but I loved it! "I'll be quick." I said. Jungkook pouted as I pulled away.

  I blew him a kiss before I shut the bathroom door. I stripped and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess. How could he flirt with me?? I shook the thought and noticed the marks he left along my collar bone. I smiled to myself as I got in the shower. When I got out I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out into my bedroom expecting him to not be in there. But boy was I wrong, he was laying on my bed watching his phone. He looked away from his phone towards me and smirked. My cheeks flushed red. "I-I uhmm." I had no clue what to say. He stood up and came towards me. I froze and stood in place. "Least you could have done was came out without the towel." He whispered in my ear. I gasped and hit his chest. At this rate I was beyond flustered.

   Jungkook laughed before he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm joking!" He kissed my forehead. "But you don't have to be flustered I've seen it all and you are beautiful." Jungkook kissed me before he moved away. "Get dressed and go get your breakfast I finished making it a couple of minutes ago so it's getting cold the longer you wait." He pulled away and leaned closer to my ear."unless you want me for breakfast." He whispered. I gasped once more as he laughed. "I am joking! I'm going to shower." Jungkook walked to the bathroom. I waited for the door to shut. Once it did I sighed and listened to my heartbeat out of my chest as I found an outfit.

    I was now sitting at the table eating my favorite breakfast that tasted delicious. I picked up my phone and messaged the group with Chan and Ji.

   "Guys I have big news that can't wait! Let's have lunch together!!!"

I laid down my phone and finished my breakfast. I was washing my plate when Jungkook came into the kitchen dressed in black jeans with a tight black long sleeved shirt tucked in. Damn! He's hot. I was so checking him out and he knew it. "Was breakfast good?" He asked. I just nodded my head. "Get your shoes on or you'll be late." He bossed me like a little kid. I rolled my eyes. "Yes daddy." I jokingly said. We both laughed at my statement. Jungkook gathered my things for me. I was going to grab all of it but he stopped me. "No, I will carry it." He insisted. He's being serious? Do men still act like this? Oh boy okay! I nodded and walked out of my apartment.

   Jungkook and I got into his car and it was quite for the most part. Jungkook was holding my hand as he was driving and it made me feel so bubbly. All of a sudden his phone rung and he checked it. "Yes Tae?" He glanced over at me and I smiled. I took the moment to  check my phone.

Oooo! I will bring lunch to you guys and we can eat in the lounge room in the garage!!

Chan 😋:
Ready to hear all bout the tea!

I smiled and turned off my phone. I could just imagine their faces. "Yeah I can meet for lunch. I heard Jungkook say to Taehyung. "Okay I will.." he muttered as he turned down a street. "Okay man I will see you there...bye." He hung up the phone and grabbed my hand. "It won't upset you that I'm not taking you to lunch will it?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "No it's okay! Me and my friends have lunch planned." I said. Jungkook lifted my hand and kissed it. "Okay sweetheart." I felt butterflies. I never thought someone calling me sweetheart would have me feeling this way but I am and I want to hear it a thousand times.

Street Racer 🏁 Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now