Twenty-Two 🏁

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It has been weeks, and my arm has finally healed. I returned home yesterday and the loneliness is really kicking in. I went from spending all day everyday with Jungkook and now I'm alone. I have no clue what my feelings are for him but I do know whatever is going on between him and I,is definitely not platonic.

I deeply sighed due to boredom. I have no one to nag at me about watching my rom-coms, or how a fangirl all the time over my most favorite actor. I stood up and grabbed my keys. I opened my door and bumped into a hard chest. I gasped and backed up. "Jungkook?" I looked at him confused as I examined his figure. He was in his comfy clothes and in his hand he held a duffle bag. "Y/n! I'm sorry I just couldn't bare being at home alone, for a another moment!" He explained. I smiled and walked back into my apartment, signaling for him to walk in too. "Weren't you just heading out?" He asked as he looked around my small apartment. "I was going to come to your house." I muttered as I sat back down on my couch. He joined me as he held a small smile on his face.

"Awww you were missing me too?!!!" He nudged me. I giggled as I wrapped both of my arms around him. I was glad I could do this now. No more broken arm!! Jungkook snaked his arms around me a moment later. "You're watching these cringy things again??" He whined as he reached for the remote. "Nooo don't change it!" I stopped him. "Their love story is so cute!" I squealed, I looked at the tv and stopped and reconsidered what I just said. "Pft! Yeah cute looks more like spicy." He commented as the make out session continued on the tv. I rolled my eyes and turned the tv off. "Who even says spicy?" I mocked him. Jungkook pointed at himself. "I do sweetheart." He proudly said. I giggled at his cute facial expression.

    My eyes trailed down to the duffel bag that is now sitting on the floor. "How long are you staying for?" I asked. "Mmm I don't know I just packed extra in case." He mumbled as he held me closer, and hid his face in my neck. "Okay." I softly replied. "I hope I'm not forcing myself on you, I can leave if you want me to." He let out a soft sigh. "No, no don't leave I would love for you to stay a couple of days!" I quickly shot down the idea of him leaving.  He just hummed and enjoyed having me in his embrace. "I'm tired.." he muttered. "I will go get my bed ready for you then." I stood up. "I forgot you only have one room." He smirked up at me. "Yup, so you will sleep there and I will sleep here so you are comfortable." I said heading towards my room.

   Jungkook trailed behind me like a lost puppy. I turned on my light in my room and headed towards my bed. My light turns off and I hear the door shut. "Jungkook?" I turned his direction after I turned the bedside lamp on. "Just sleep in here with me." He stated as he laid down on my bed. "I don't want you sleeping on that couch in your own home." He said. "I can sleep on the couch and you get your bed." Jungkook suggested. "Uhmmm no sir you won't sleep on my couch." I sassily said. He chuckled at me. "Then turn off that light and lay down with me." He pointed over at the lamp. "Yes your highness." I bowed. We both laughed as I turned the lamp off.

   Jungkook opened his arms for me to lay in, in which I did. I snuggled as close as I could to him. I sighed once I got comfortable. Jungkook kept his arms tightly around me as if I was going to run away. "I don't think I can go back to sleeping alone." Jungkook spoke in a soft murmur. I hummed agreeing with him. It went quite again, as Jungkook began to rub my back. I let out a satisfied sigh enjoying the small gesture. I shifted my position a little and decided I wasn't close enough so I intertwined our legs. "Jungkook?" I whispered. I got a lazy hum in response. "You're not uncomfortable are you?" I lifted my head off of his arm. "No, I'm not, I'm quite comfortable." He sleepily mumbled. I rested my head back on his arm and let my eyes finally fall heavy. Jungkook kissed my forehead and wished me goodnight. I laid there for a moment contemplating my next decision feeling unsure and maybe a little insecure. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, before my head found its way back on his arm. Jungkooks had stopped moving for a split second. I whined causing him to start back up again. I then finally drifted into dream land and he did too , with me in his arms feeling so secure.

The next morning I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in, I couldn't help but smile either. Jungkook and I were face to face, he had a cute little pout on his sleeping face. I gently tried to move away without waking him up. However one move was all it took for him to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He let out a small whine. "No don't go!" He pulled me back down and closed his eyes indicating he was going to try to go back to sleep. "Kook I have to get ready for work." I softly whispered. "Mm that means not seeing you at all today." He pouted. "Not true, I will be at the race tonight." I said. He quickly shot his eyes back open. "The race?" He gave a stern look. "Uhm yeah..?" I gave him a questioning look.

"No, you won't go." He sternly said. He softly pushed me away and sat up. I sighed not wanting to argue with him. "Kook." I mumbled as I reached for his hand. He moved away and continued to ignore me. He seriously reminds me of a sassy five year old. I sat there for a moment trying to get his attention. Finally I resorted to sitting on his lap. "Now Jeon Jungkook, ignoring me is not going to solve a problem." I gave him an upset look. "Plus I thought we got pass this shutting down and ignoring each other when something bothered us." I reached for his hands and held them tightly.

"Y/n..." he started, "I don't want you to race anymore." His eyes held mine as he finally let the words spill out of his mouth. I just nodded and looked down at our hands. "I know you love it and I would never discourage you in anyway and I hope you know that but.." Jungkook stopped trying to make sure I wasn't angry or on the verge of tears. I just kept a composure. "Why don't you want me to?" I asked him. He opened his mouth then shut it again. I waited for him to respond. "My mind goes to the worse." He said. I gave him a confused look. "I had already had serious anxiety about you getting hurt the first time and how bad it may be." He expressed. "You don't know how afraid I was when I seen everything unfold before me, I was so afraid that you were so badly injured that it would have caused permanent damage, or maybe memory loss." He shared and you could just tell he felt exposed, like he was never supposed to express anything. "I didn't want to see you lose everything in one night and I admit I'm selfish for this but I didn't want you to forget me." He mumbled the last part.

"I guess in all what I am trying to get at is y/n, I don't want another wreck to happen because it may be worse.." He whispered. I took in his words understanding his worry. I let go of his hands, I wrapped my arms around him so tight. He hugged me back as I ran his words through my mind. He's worried for me, never once did I take into account that he was looking out for me. Jungkook lifted my chin so I would be looking up at him. "Even though I worry, I don't think I could ever make you quit something that makes you happy." He paused. "So I won't beg you to quit but all I ask is you let me know who you are racing so we can take precautions." He softly let out. "Okay." I agreed giving him a smile. "Go get ready for work you will be late." He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Mm now I don't want to go." I whined. "Too late now go." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and got off of him.

"Will you take me to work at least?" I turned back to look at him. "Of course." He smiled. I gave him an excited look before I went to my bathroom.




A/n note: thank you guys for reading! Sorry if this is. Little boring and a little late ! Hope everyone is doing well!

Street Racer 🏁 Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now