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As I entered the basement, my heart sank at the sight of Ghost, my British lieutenant, in a state worse than I had ever seen him before. His once strong and resilient demeanor had been shattered by the relentless torment inflicted upon him by Vladimir and Mikhail. Rushing to his side, I knelt down beside him, my hands trembling as I looked him over with a mixture of worry and dread.

"Ghost," I whispered, my voice filled with concern as I met his weak gaze. His eyes, usually sharp and determined, now seemed clouded with pain and exhaustion. Despite his weakened state, he managed to muster a weak smile as he called out my name, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Go," he urged, his words tinged with desperation. "You need to get out of here... before they come back."

As I looked around Ghost, taking in the grim sight of him chained up and weakened, a surge of determination coursed through me. I knelt beside him, my voice firm as I made a promise to him.

"I'm going to get you out of here, Ghost. You have my word," I vowed, my gaze locking with his as I sought to instill a sense of hope in his weary eyes.

Seeing the chains that bound him, I knew the task ahead would not be easy. Turning to Ghost, I asked urgently, "What should I do to get you out of these chains? Is there a key or a way to unlock them?"

Ghost's breath came in ragged gasps as he strained against his restraints, his voice hoarse as he spoke. "There's a key... Vladimir keeps it on him at all times. You'll have to find a way to distract him and get it from him."

His words filled me with a sense of urgency as I processed the information. I knew that confronting Vladimir would be dangerous, but I also knew that I had to act swiftly to free Ghost from his chains and ensure his safety.

As I promised Ghost that I would return, a sense of determination burned within me as I gently touched his face, offering a silent reassurance before slipping out of the room. Sneaking through the corridors, I searched for any sign of Vladimir and Mikhail, my heart racing with a mix of fear and resolve.

Finally, I stumbled upon Mikhail in a dimly lit room, his figure pacing back and forth in agitation. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for the confrontation ahead, knowing that I had to face him head-on in order to free Ghost and put an end to the torment that had befallen us.

With a steady hand, I slipped into the room and gently closed and locked the door behind me, the sound echoing in the silence. Mikhail turned at the noise, his eyes widening in surprise before narrowing with anger.

"Where is Soap? What have you done to him?" I demanded, my voice filled with a mix of anger and determination as I faced off against Mikhail.

Mikhail's eyes gleamed with malice as he sneered, "You think you can come in here and challenge me? You're nothing but a weakling."

I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched as I dodged another punch from Mikhail. "Im gonna beat your ass."

With a feral growl, Mikhail launched himself at me, his attacks relentless and brutal. Each blow landed with a sickening thud, but I refused to back down, drawing upon every ounce of strength and determination within me to stand my ground.
As Mikhail lunged towards me with a fierce determination, his fists clenched and eyes blazing with malice, I braced myself for the impact. With a swift sidestep, I managed to evade his first strike, the rush of air from his passing blow brushing against my cheek. The room seemed to close in around us, the tension thick in the air as we circled each other, our movements calculated and precise.

I countered with a series of quick jabs, aiming for Mikhail's midsection, but he deftly blocked each blow with a skill that hinted at his years of training. His movements were fluid and powerful, each strike delivered with a precision that left no room for error. I could feel the weight of his punches as they landed, the force driving me back with each impact.

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I launched myself forward, my determination fueling my every move. With a swift kick aimed at Mikhail's knee, I aimed to throw him off balance, but he anticipated my move and countered with a powerful sweep that sent me sprawling to the ground. The impact reverberated through my body, the sharp pain a jolt of reality in the midst of the chaos.

As I scrambled to my feet, my muscles aching and my breath coming in ragged gasps, Mikhail advanced with a predatory gleam in his eyes. With a fierce cry, he unleashed a flurry of blows, each strike calculated to incapacitate me. I blocked and parried as best as I could, the sound of our fists colliding echoing in the small room.

The fight raged on, the intensity escalating with each passing moment. Adrenaline surged through my veins, drowning out the pain and exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm me. With a renewed sense of determination, I pushed back against Mikhail's relentless assault, refusing to yield to his brutality.

In a final, desperate move, I launched myself at Mikhail with all the strength I could muster. With a resounding crash, our bodies collided, the force of the impact sending us both crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and sweat. Gasping for breath, I struggled to regain my footing, the taste of blood on my lips a bitter reminder of the cost of this brutal struggle.

As I rose unsteadily to my feet, my vision blurred, and my muscles protested with every movement, I knew that the battle was far from over.

"What are you made of?" a Ghost x reader fanfic.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя