Back to base?

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Following their rigorous sparring session, Y/N was trying to catch her breath, sweat dripping off her brow. She was startled when Ghost's gravelly voice sliced through the thick silence. "We're returning to your former training base. There are some files we need."

Y/N, her muscles still quivering from the exertion, fixed her piercing gaze on Ghost. "Files?" she asked. Her tone was laced with curiosity but also a hint of annoyance. "What kind of files are you talking about? You're telling me we have to trek all the way back for some paperwork?"

Ghost, his broad shoulders squared and his eyes as cold as steel, maintained his stoic demeanor. "Confidential ones," he replied curtly. His clipped words hung heavily in the air, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

König, a tall figure with an imposing presence, had been silently observing the exchange. He decided to intervene. "Und was ist der Grund dafür?" (And what is the reason for that?) he interjected, his German accent adding an extra layer of depth to his deep, resonating voice.

The confusion on their faces prompted König to translate his query into English. "Why are we going all the way back there? It seems like an unnecessary expedition."

Ghost turned to König, his expression unchanged. His piercing gaze met König's questioning eyes. "That's need-to-know, König," he said coolly, keeping his gaze locked onto the German soldier, "And right now, you don't need to know."

König shrugged, his muscular frame rippling with the movement. His face betrayed a hint of amusement. "If it's as important as you say, then I suppose we have no choice," he replied in German, "Aber wenn es eine Falle ist, bin ich nicht glücklich." (But if it's a trap, I'm not happy.)

Y/N, growing weary of their verbal jousting, rolled her eyes and picked up her gear. Her determination was evident in her brisk, purposeful strides. "Enough, guys. Let's just get this done, alright?" She led the way towards their transport, the two men trailing behind.

Ghost, ever the leader, subtly motioned for Soap and Gaz to follow him. Without a word, both men nodded and fell into step behind Ghost. As they walked, Ghost and Soap engaged in a quiet conversation about Y/N’s performance at training.

“She’s improving,” Ghost commented, his voice barely above a whisper. He was watching her out of the corner of his eye, a hint of approval in his otherwise impassive expression.

Soap, his eyebrows furrowed in thought, nodded in agreement. “Yeah, she’s picking up the pace. Still has a long way to go, though.”

Ghost merely hummed in response, his attention already shifting towards their next task. One by one, the team gathered their gear - weapons, tactical vests, helmets - everything necessary for the mission ahead. The air was thick with a mix of anticipation and tension as they made their way out of the building.

Outside, military transport vehicle was parked, and their darkened windows and reinforced body a clear indication of their purpose. Ghost and König took the front seats of the lead vehicle, their imposing figures a stark contrast to the cold, mechanical interior.

Y/N, Soap, and Gaz seated themselves in the back. The space was cramped, filled with tactical gear and the smell of worn leather seats. The hum of the engine was the only sound breaking the silence as they prepared for the journey ahead.

Ghost looked over his shoulder at the rest in the back, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the mission. "Lock and load, team. We've got a long ride ahead." With that, he turned back to the front, the vehicles roaring to life as they began their journey back to Y/N’s old training base.

The journey to Y/N's old training base was a long one. The vehicles traversed through rugged terrains and deserted highways, the scorching sun casting long, eerie shadows that danced on the dusty ground. Every now and then, abandoned structures and desolate towns would pass by, a stark reminder of the world they were fighting to protect.

"What are you made of?" a Ghost x reader fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now