Chapter 3

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Location: Solitas, Atlas

June 15, 3904

Walking through the halls, Ironwood was heading towards the laboratory of Atlas' most brilliant scientist; Dr. Pietro Polendina. Inside, the scientist greeted him once he entered.

Dr. Pietro: Ah, General Ironwood. I was not expecting you today.

Ironwood: I only came here to see if you made any progress, Dr. Pietro.

The scientist sighed at him. Ironwood saw this and knew the man was exhausted.

Dr. Pietro: I have been trying to design a new aircraft but...the design is useless due to me and the R&D department not knowing what type of propulsion those fighters use that Menagerie has.

Pietro explained to him, showing the design of the fighter. It has been nearly a week since the incident...and Atlas didn't take too kindly (-mostly the racist and elitist pricks-) that Menagerie has military tech that far outshined them. While Menagerie stated they don't desire violence it didn't mean that Atlas was going to take it lying down. They wanted to level the playing field. That is why Ironwood has tasked Pietro to design a new fighter aircraft for Atlas using what they saw from the Talons. Though they could get a spy in Menagerie it was dismissed due to how thin the ice that Atlas was walking on.

Dr. Pietro: As much as I want to give you the good news I can't. The aircraft is too alien for me to find a counter for it.

Ironwood: Damn it... And what of The Saber and The White Fox do you have anything?

Ironwood asked only to get a no from Pietro.

Dr. Pietro: I may be the best here in Atlas but I have no more to give. I don't know what technology The Saber and The White Fox use because I have never seen one. The weaponry of the 6 Legends of the Frontiers is similar to the Plasma Cannons of our airships but it is much more potent. I don't know what powers them or their armor.

Ironwood sighed in frustration. If the man in front of him can't give him any more answers, it's a clear sign that it's near hopeless. The technology he and Pietro saw from the video footage of their actions proved that it was superior in any way. But he was not going to give up. They need to have any advantage they could get. That is why he and Ozpin had been trying to get their attention.

Ironwood: Very well. Alert me if you have any progress, Doctor.

Dr. Pietro: I'll try.

Pietro replied before Ironwood turned and left leaving the former to continue back to his work. Unbeknownst to them, however, that in the vents of the lab was a small drone that recorded their entire conversation before leaving and flying to where it came from.

Location: Beacon Academy, Vale

Blake was currently on her Scroll while walking back and forth as she tried to call her parents...again. While she was glad her home wasn't damaged from the attack she was now worried about what was happening right now. Her frustration only grew when Scroll's automatic response told her that the number couldn't be reached.

Blake: Ugh, it has been nearly a week yet I still can't reach them... I could just go there but I just can't tell Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and others about this.

She was confused. How did Menagerie get those fighters? From the footage they saw, the aircraft looked too advanced to be made by any of the kingdoms in Remnant and she knew that Menagerie had no means of making them due to how poor her home was. She was also conflicted when she heard that Sienna stated that the White Fang had been dissolved and that Adam was the mastermind behind their attempt to ram the train full of explosives at Vale's wall which also got her to witness the aftermath of the bloodbath that occurred when The Wolf killed every single one of the White Fang on that train. Fear was what always came to her whenever she heard of his killings. When Vytal came and when she bad-mouthed him calling him a monster and a murderer, Ren and Nora nearly beat her to death because of it. It also scared her even more when they encountered him again and knew that she was a Faunus. She still remembers what she said to him...that night.

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