There was a knock at your door, peaking it slightly open Wriothesley stood outside. Though you appreciated him at times, he was also a bit of nusiance when it came to your business. Call it paranoia on account of your deprived state but his insistence was at the cost of valuable time.

"Your trial date is soon"
he states the obvious

"I know"

"As in tomorrow is your last day"
he reminds

"Th-that soon?!"
you had lost a bit of track of how little it actually was

"You've been spending a lot of time in here, wouldn't you say?"
he noticed how after sparing with Clorinde you would go straight to your room

"Can't I spend it as I want?"
you crossed your arms

"Sigewinne suggested we all share a meal tomorrow, I think it would be nice."
he offers casually

"Thanks but I'll pass"

his eyes narrow skeptically at your dismissiveness, you even held the door to prevent him from catching a glimpse of the mess that reflects your mental state. It reminded him of how you were upon initial arrival. However in your time here it seems you've spiraled into a psychotic state, even leaving you to Clorinde was an ineffective method.

Normally he is capable of handling things down here on his own, hardly ever needing to involve Neuvillette. But, he can't be warden and 'guardian' at the same time. He has duties down here that shouldn't revolve around having to worry if you're getting adequate sleep. It made him wonder why Neuvillette sent you in the first place and if by chance you were convicted guilty, would you spiral even further? Caving in, he finally spoke with his superior.

One chance, they would grant you one chance to relax on your final day by your own will before drastic measures have to be taken. The signs could no longer be ignore as you proved to be a hazard to others and yourself. There was the outbreak about flooding, the obsessive fixations, the over-working, and the violent dispute. Now, it concerned him further how isolated you were becoming as the trial day neared.

"You have to take a break tomorrow"
he says with more assertion

"Have to? What, it's law now?"
you scoff

"Word of the Iudex, kinda is"
he studies your expression

your brows furrow
"What...? What did you say to him?!"
it was low of him to tattle

"I have to report concerns"

"If you're so burdened by me then leave me alone"

"At this rate you're going to pass out while up there, is that what you want?"
this was self-destructive...

"So? How I spend my time is my business and I'll accept any consequence from it"

"It doesn't only affect you"
he was apalled by your lack of awareness

"I have my dignity at stake here, a sentence dangling over my head. So excuse me if for once in my life I put myself first"

"You're not though"

"Look, if you really want to help then request more time"

"But you won't use it, you won't use it to rejuvenate because that's what we have been doing. Crossing lines to accommodate only for your habits to worsen"

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