"It's our pleasure. We are happy to have your dad here. Just let me know when you are ready to come back to work. I got your FMLA approved so you are eligible for up to 12 weeks of leave for the calendar year dating back to Wednesday of last week, and the days don't need to be consecutive. Just let me know what time you need off, and I will get it taken care of for you. The nice thing about working in health care is that we actually fully understand what it takes for a patient to recover from a heart attack. Your situation is definitely unique, but you still qualify for the time off."

"Thank you, I appreciate your help so much. I should only need one more week. I will let you know if it changes, but I am planning to get everything settled with my Dad's company this week, and then come right back to work. But having the schedule changed so I am only here 3 days a week will help so much!"

"Just talk to Doctor Greenley and e-mail me whatever you guys decide on. It really isn't a big deal at all."

"I will do that before we leave here today. I just have to go meet with my dad's care team, and get a plan together for him."

"Well you had better get going then. Let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help you."

"I will. Thank you Kimberly.

"You are very welcome. I am always happy to help. You guys have a great rest of the day."

"Thank you Kimberly, you as well." Rory smiled, then followed Logan out of the office. "So Babe, you decided to only work 3 days?"

"I've been thinking about what you said the other night, and you made some really good points, so I thought that maybe we could give it a try. Maybe running the company with you wouldn't be bad. I might actually really enjoy it. I do love being a doctor,  but you're right, I'm pretty good at stepping up and running the show when I need to. So I'm going to adjust my schedule here at the hospital so I can spend time at the office helping you, and we'll see what happens from there. If I completely hate it, I can go back to my crazy ER schedule. But if I actually enjoy it, it gives me extra time with you, and spending time with you is my favorite thing in the world."

"I like spending time with you too, and I would love to have you with me at the office. But I don't want you giving up your medical career to spend your time at a company that you hate."

"You heard what Kimberly said. I'm not giving anything up right now." Logan told her as they stepped into the elevator. "All I am doing is adjusting my schedule."

"Promise me you will tell me when things get to be too much and you want out. I don't want you to sit there suffering just because I like looking at you."

"I promise, you will be the first to know." Logan said as his phone buzzed with a text message.

Just got to the hospital

Heads up

Mom is with me


"What's wrong?" Rory asked.

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