"It's perfect Ace! I'll get this submitted to the server while you get ready to go. We have to leave for dinner in twenty minutes."

"Have you decided if we are staying here tonight, or driving back to New York?"

"I think we are going to drive back tonight. We have a lot going on tomorrow. As long as we leave your grandparents' by 10, we should make it back by midnight."

"What time is our first appointment in the morning?"

"8:00 at the hospital. We have to meet with Dad's care team, then I need to stop by HR and get you added to all my work stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Just the emergency contact, insurance, 401-k, all of that."

"You'll need our marriage license for all of that, and probably my social security card and ID."

"And you need to decide what you are going to do about last names because if you decide to make any changes, you'll need to go to the social security office and the DMV."

"Getting married is kind of a pain in the ass, isn't it?!"

"Some parts can be. But the rest is pretty good so far, right?"

"I don't know, you tend to leave dirty socks everywhere."

"Ok perfect one! Maybe I should have just married someone that can actually cook."

"You probably should have." Rory laughed as she changed her clothes. "We would eat out a lot less."

"Yeah, but we're too busy to actually cook. Think about it, in the last two weeks, how many days have we actually been at home?"

"In the last week? None! In the last two weeks, I think maybe one."

"Exactly! Which makes a wife who can cook entirely overrated! I'll just hire a chef when we find a house. It'll make our lives a lot easier."

"We need to figure out a schedule."

"I'm not sure that is possible right now."

"At least we finally get to spend one night in our own bed."

"Which is something else that we need to decide on. Which apartment are we keeping until we get a house?"

"I would probably go with yours. It's bigger and closer to both the office and the hospital."

"I'll ask Honor if she will supervise movers. We can just have all your clothes and anything you need right away moved into my place, and then everything else we can put in storage until we find a house."

"Or we just move my clothes and whatever we need right away ourselves and leave the rest for when we get a house and just move everything all at once."

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