I scoffed at her absurdity. "Since when do you call me your best friend?" She's not once uttered those words to me. Her glare was funny nonetheless.

Even Issac, who never said much to me, spoke up. "I've gotta admit Summer, I'm impressed," he gave me props. "You see this babe?"

His attention was directed to Saida who now stood with her arms crossed with her lips tightly closed. "Yeah...I see it," she tried to hide any emotion in her tone as she spoke.

Everyone, except Saida, got to asking Maisie a bunch of questions not realizing she wasn't just trying to be my friend. They wouldn't know since I didn't tell them and now was not the time to start discussing sexuality matters. While I'm happy they were excited for me, it hurt that Saida wasn't. I mean, if this were the other way around, I'd be jumping for joy. It's always nice when someone makes a new friend. Potentially adding to the little group we created. However, Saida...she wasn't handling any of it well.

We looked at one another trying to decipher what the other might be thinking. There wasn't much we needed to say with words as our relationship was a lot deeper than that. She was my longest friend, the girl I pride myself on knowing all the ins and outs of. She'll say we're fine but it didn't mean it was true. Especially not after seeing me with Maisie with her own eyes. The distraught I can feel radiating off her body affected me in indescribable ways. Of all days, why couldn't she be in the studio?

Maisie laughed after being bombarded with questions. "This was great, but I should go," she waves to them before resting her hand on my forearm. "Summer, I'll see you in class again." She smiled, walking away with her hair trailing behind her.

The tension rises between Saida and me as she doesn't say anything. She focuses her attention back on Issac without even acknowledging that I exist. Her attitude felt very pointed leaving this queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. My head spinning in frustration, I trail behind her with Kailey next to me. Everyone opted to go grab a quick lunch in Saida's car since hers was the biggest. However, I didn't feel too comfortable with it given the circumstances.

Kailey was so wrapped up in her agenda of being Maisie's friend that she didn't even realize the energy shift. Confiding in her wasn't the first plan I had in mind, but she was the only one nearby. Even if she didn't have the best advice, Kailey was still my friend. I should be able to talk to her about anything without her judging me for it.

"Do you think if we have a party Maisie would come?" She began concocting a plan to get in her good graces. "Who am I kidding, I'm Kailey Reed, of course, she'd come," she laughs in the most conceited way. Noticing I didn't laugh, Kailey looked at me with real concern. "Sum Sum...what's happening? Why aren't you excited about Maisie like I am?"

My eyes roll in annoyance. "Do you ever think about anything other than how something benefits you?" I snapped but not because I was upset with her talking about Maisie. This was typical behavior from Kailey.

She stopped making an O shape with her mouth. "Okay...bitch," she said but not in a mean way. She was simply pointing out how I was acting and it was true.

I didn't mean to be bitchy, but my head was filled with less-than-stellar thoughts. Saida was ignoring me for something that I couldn't quite understand. She admitted to being afraid of losing our friendship. However, she had to know that would never happen. We confirmed this with each other already and she still had this idea that Maisie was taking her place. It prodded at my brain trying to come up with any solution to her strange conduct.

That didn't mean I had to be a jerk to Kailey. She was just as confused as I was. Only, unlike Saida, she was excited to make Maisie an acquaintance. Most of them were that's why Saida acting out felt off to me. She's the most welcoming out of any of us and she acts like a cunt. I couldn't help but think that if this were anybody else she wouldn't be acting this way. Her problem seems to just be Maisie.

Sighing, I crossed my arms as we got closer to Saida's car. "I'm sorry...I'm just trying to understand why Saida's so mad about Maisie." I explained. "Why her? What's the problem?"

Kailey smiled, resting her hand on my shoulder. "Well, I'm not too happy about her staking her claim in you either, to be honest," she admits. "But you and I haven't been friends as long as you and Saida have. It's a bit...different."

"I'm not trying to replace our friendship though. Maisie is just a new friend," at least that's what I saw it as.

Kailey giggled as if she knew something I didn't. "Take baby steps with Saida," she suggested. "You never know what may come out of it."

We got to the car and everyone piled in. They were playing music, their horrible vocal cords filling the car. It was funny for the most part, but my mind kept wondering about what Kailey said. Taking baby steps with Saida feels like what I've been doing the whole time I've known her. One person shouldn't be driving a wedge between us the way she's letting it. No one in this world would ever make me stop loving Saida. Is it not possible for her to think the same?

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