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45 minutes later Lorelai was pacing around her living room as Luke sat on the couch watching.

"Rory really didn't tell you anything?"

"Only that she had some news to tell us."

"Did she say if it was good or bad news?"

"No, only that it wasn't appropriate to share in front of an audience."

"Did she give you any clues or anything?"

"Not a one. But I'm pretty sure that you are about to find out." Luke said hearing a car pull up outside.

"You don't think that Mitchum suddenly died, do you?"

"I doubt it. Plus, she would probably tell you that over the phone."

"Gah, I hate surprises!" Lorelai said frustratedly as she headed for the door, with Luke following behind her. "Hey there birthday girl!" she greeted her daughter and Logan as they got out of the car. "Happy birthday!"

"Hey Mom! Hey Luke!" Rory greeted them.

"I hear you've got some big news to share with us?"

"We do! And we brought you a present!"

"A present? For me?!? It's not MY birthday, you silly girl!"

"I know, but you deserve presents sometimes too." Rory said stepping into the house with Logan behind her.

"So what have you two been up to since I last saw you?" Lorelai asked as they all walked into the living room.

"Here, open your present." Rory said handing Lorelai a small wrapped gift.

"Ok? I can't believe that I am getting a present on your birthday. I won't lie, I kind of like it. It kind of makes those 19 hours of labor a little more worth it!" Lorelai said as she ripped the paper off of her present, and opened the box. "You guys, it's beautiful! This is a great picture of you! Thank you so much!"

"So this isn't just any picture . . ." Rory told her.

"Ok? Well, it clearly isn't a booking photo."

"No, definitely not a booking photo." Logan chuckled.

"So this was taken last night, just after midnight." Rory started.

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