Episode 14: Another Day, Another Endless Pursuing

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"Warning, this episode may contains political content, please proceed with caution."

12:00 A.M.   City of Fuzhou, Mawei District

   City of Fuzhou, Mawei District

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Due to an accident occurred on the way, Mark and Tower was forced to stay in the City of Fuzhou while the rest of the squad will continue their way until they return with great power.

The City of Fuzhou, was once an economic power house for the People's Republic of China. But now it's now just a militarized city where all of it's citizens were forced to stay at home at anytime and not allowed to go out. While the whole city was militarized to the point where there's even anti-air missiles in a lot of citizen buildings.

"Ergh.... Can't believe how I'm still alive until now....." Mark was still recalling from that event where he's forced to stay in a highly militarized area.

"Of course you will, cause I'll not allow you to die." Tower refutes him, indicating that she's the one that prevented Mark's potential demise.

However, unlucky for them, the Centrals has already well prepared for them.

"If they escaped, then all of our plans will fail, and they'll strike back with more power." General He exclaims in between the roofs of the buildings.

"Then we'll kill them all one by one." General Yao returns with malicious intent as he was patrolling around the city.

"Don't get too far off, maniac, else I'm not attending on your funeral." General He exclaims, but General Yao doesn't care.

"Hah! I'll destroy them before their funeral will even be held!"

"*Sigh*, this maniac just won't chill."

Among the rooftops within the buildings, General Yao and his 50 Super Soldiers are standing by for further commands. Mark and Tower noticed them on the other buildings, alerted by them.

"Well shit. They're here."

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