The Walking dead (Quick)

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TW: Attempted suicide

Please do not read if this topic triggers you. 


It had been a year ago since I lost him, not to the walkers, but I still lost him. I had went to Atlanta, Georgia for a meeting. Alex was back at our home in LA probably hanging out with Matt and/or Miles. 

The lock down happened while I was in the meeting, everyone was freaking out and trying to save themselves. The only thing my mind was focused on was Alex and how he was. He had called me right after the breaking news to tell me it was gonna be alright and that we'd see each other as soon as possible. He told me that he'd meet me in my parents's cabin in Oklahoma and I was getting closer each day. 

I'd met a nice group who had helped me to the border but I got lost from them. I had been working my way to Oklahoma every single day since the phone call. I missed alex and I was wondering if he was still alive cause I'd simply get bitten by a walker if he was dead. He was the love of my life, and my life, I simply couldn't live without him.

I opened the wooden door to the cabin. A walker jumped at me but I killed it with a knife through the head. It was quite an ugly one, it barely had skin. I looked around the cabin but there was no sign of Alex, which just made me sadder. I knew there was the littlest change he'd be alive but I needed to believe he was.

Day 1: I had slept on the floor that night so my back hurt quite much. I decided to stay here until Alex was here, and if he hadn't come before a year then I'd give up. I decided it was a good idea to cover up the windows with tree, and maybe make a lock for the door so that's exactly what I did.

Day 2: I decided it was a good idea to sleep in the bed this time since I didn't want my back hurting. I used today make traps for bunnies and stuff so I could get food. I hadn't seen any other walker since the day I arrived which was just too weird. It felt intentional? If you know what I mean.

Day 3: I started by going out to see if I had caught something, which I had. It was a small bunny, and it hurt to kill it but I had to or I wouldn't survive. I made it to some delicious soup which could last me one or two days. I also used today to draw plans on how I would make a fence around the cabin. It had to be big enough so I could plant crops.

Day 9: I was finally done with the fence, though I wasn't sure if it would keep me safe. There was still no sign of Alex, resulting me in losing more hope. Today was quite boring, I didn't do much else than make more bunny soup.

Day 14: Two weeks since I arrived. I had cut my hair into layers and some wispy bangs. It was quite choppy but it was somewhat pretty. I missed Alex so much, maybe cause it was our wedding anniversary, but I missed him like this everyday. I missed his chocolate brown eyes, his stupid quiff he'd always wear even though his hair looked fine without, I missed the way he'd like his lips when he was in his train of though, the way he only cared about me. I missed him. He means so much to me.

Day 45: I had begun making the dirt ready for crops. I was hungry since I had caught absolutely nothing the past few days.

Day 196: I miss him so fucking much.

Day 238: Is he even alive.

Day 365: My last day Alive.

I laid down the pencil on top of the notebook I was writing in. On the cover of it I wrote: For Alex. I slowly stood up from the chair and made my way over to the rope. Tears ran down my cheeks, not cause I was about to die, but cause I hadn't seen him in almost 2 years. I hoped he was still alive, I hoped he was happy, I just missed him so much. I stood up on the box and put the rope around my neck. "May we meet again, Al" I whispered to myself  as I kicked the box under my feet away. The rope tightened around my neck and chocked me. I smiled a little hoping I'd see Alex sometime soon. 

An angel that looked like Alex stood in front of me. I bet he was there to lead me to wherever I was going. "Fucking hell, love!" The angel exclaimed as he ran over to me. He took the rope off my neck, before I could stop him I fainted. 

I woke up in my bed the next morning and sighed. I was supposed to die yesterday, but instead I lived? I went out into the kitchen and saw a long haired man sitting on one of the chairs. It looked a lot like Alex but that was impossible. I sneaked up behind him but he turned around and pinned me to the wall. He looked like we was crying. 

When I noticed it was Alex I began crying too. I couldn't help but kiss him, and of course he kissed me back. When we both pulled back I looked over to the table and saw the open notebook. He had read it. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner" He apologised making me sadder. "It's alright, you're here now" I told him and closed the notebook so he couldn't read more. "I read it all" He admitted. I didn't even care anymore I was just happy to see him.

Alex Turner Imagines (NSFW/FLUFF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang