The 100

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Based on the show (No need to watch the show before reading)


It was quite a beautiful night out, no clouds were in the sky so the starry night was visible. We hadn't had that pretty of a night sky in a while so I couldn't pass the chance of laying down on the damp grass to look at the sky. None of the other teens in the village wanted to look at the sky with me, they were more focused on training for an upcoming battle.

I hated battles with every bone in my body, I hated losing people to the battles, and I hated when the battles turned to war - which they often did. I just didn't get why we were always at war or in battle when it was much nicer to be at peace.

A bright orange light got me out of my thoughts. It looked like it landed not that far away - I had to see it. I practically sprinted to the chief who was helping the others train.

"There was a thing that fell from the sky and I just have to go see it," I told the chief excitedly, I knew the chance of him agreeing was little, but I had to. Since he was my dad I had to ask him or I'd get in a world of trouble.

He looked down at me with angry eyes. I bet he wished he had another kid than me, but mom left when I was 5 and he wasn't about to get a new wife anytime soon. He hated me - I knew that - but he was still my dad so he had to care about me in some way, right?

"No, now go train with the others or go to sleep. I don't wanna hear one word about the stars anymore" He told me harshly making all the other kids quieted down. I felt eyes on every corner of my body, it was uncomfortable and I was not too fond of it.

I sighed and tried to convince him again. "It was only about 2 km away, I'll be back before you know it, and I won't get seen, and maybe-" He cut me off by yelling a loud 'no'.

The others began whispering and laughing. I felt tears form in my eyes, I was a pussy, but no one would liked being yelled at by your father about something you like, especially in front of the whole village.

I ran to my house and slammed the door. I cried both angry and sad tears. He wasn't going to take this once-in-a-lifetime experience away from me. I put on some boots - since I had walked without shoes - and went through my window that pointed to the forest. I quietly ran the first few meters, I needed to be sure no one saw me. When I was far enough from the village I began walking again. I just had to see what it was, maybe it was a moonstone or a piece of metal from the abandoned space station up in the sky.

I successfully found the thing without getting caught. I laid behind a small hill to get a good look at it. It wasn't a moonstone, it was too big and made of metal, so it had to be a piece from the space station, that was at least what I thought before people began walking out of the metal thing. They looked weird, their clothes were weird in the sense that they looked nice, like something people would wear before the bombs. They also just looked weird, none of them were muscular, only some were a little, and they didn't wear the black face paint we do, though some of the girls had something black around their eyes.

I couldn't help but stare at them all, especially this one guy. He was hard to see cause of the dark but he had already taken my breath away. It looked like he had black hair and black eyes, a little scary but also cute. He was also one of the people who had a bit more muscle, though I had more. I don't know what it was with this boy, but I just had to look at him.

This was the fourth time I'd been out to look at the people, none of my village had noticed I'd done it nor had any of the space people. The battle was beginning tomorrow so if I wanted a chance to talk to this guy it would be now. I'd probably die tomorrow, I wasn't the best at battles, normally I'd just hide but I couldn't this time since it was in the mountains.

Alex Turner Imagines (NSFW/FLUFF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora