You and Me Forever -Smut

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This party was amazing, I hadn't seen most of these guys for years. The only bad thing about it was that Alex was there, looking as good as ever; his hair was gelled back, and I couldn't help but want to run my hands through his brown hair, messing the hairstyle up. He was also wearing a suit, he looked amazing, he had no blazer on and had rolled his sleeves up to his arms. By his side was a beautiful girl, she looked like a model, it wouldn't surprise me if she was, her beautiful brown hair was curled and she had the most gorgeous dress on.

It got me so jealous, this was the girl he left me for? I couldn't blame him, I mean look at her, she looks amazing. Now look at me, the complete opposite. I always had a feeling I wasn't his type, and judging by his girlfriend I was right.

"Are you listening?" This snapped me out of it. My old friend, who was talking, looked over and saw Alex. Since Alex was famous, she had of course heard about our breakup. Alex and I had been the 'it couple' since we were in school, so that's around 10 years of us being together. We had a messy breakup; a lot of yelling, and things being thrown, including my engagement ring. Alex bought a beautiful ring for me, it wasn't expensive, it was only like $50, but I loved it so much.


This one was our biggest argument yet; the wooden floor couldn't be seen from stuff on the floor, one of the beautiful wooden cabinets was on the floor, and some of the plates were even on the floor, smashed, this wasn't my house, it was a dumpster.

"Why don't you just fucking leave me then!?" My jaw dropped; how could I ever leave him, I love him way too much for that.

"W-what? I could-" He caught me off by slamming his hand onto the table. His body language wasn't sweet or caring anymore, instead, it was cold; he would avoid eye contact, his body was turned away from me, and he was walking from side to side. Suddenly the walking stopped, which made me nervous. For one of the first times in our relationship, I had no clue what he was about to say. I'd die if he told me it was over, I could imagine his face all cold telling me it was over while I was stood there, all alone, crying my heart out.

"This relationship isn't working, you don't show me affection anymore" bullshit, just yesterday I cooked for him and told him how much I loved and cared about him. There must be another reason. What if he was cheating on me, it would probably be with a pretty tall girl, oh and she'd be a model too, everything I'm not.

"Liar" I just said, and he stopped to look at me, for what seems like the first time since he came home from the studio. His beautiful brown eyes, which normally were sparkling from happiness, were now filled with tears.

"I don't love you anymore" It seemed like the world had stopped. My heartbeat quickened, and I couldn't see anything cause of the tears in my eyes. I was playing with the engagement ring on my finger. It once reminded me of how much he loved me, now it meant nothing. I took it off my finger, which was shaking, and I threw it on Alex.

"What do you mean you don't love me!? Just yesterday you couldn't stop telling me how much you loved me." It was all so confusing to me, how could he have loved me yesterday but not loved me now?


Even though it always hurt when I thought back to the breakup. My friends always told me to move on since it's in the past, but I can't. I had imagined my whole life with this guy, and now, nothing.

I needed to look away from Alex and the beautiful girl he had brought. I needed a cigarette, maybe even two.

It was cold outside, like really cold. I had left my jacket at home thinking I wouldn't be outside, oh I was wrong. I needed to be outside so I wouldn't see how happy Alex was with his new girlfriend. He was probably whispering compliments in her ear as he did to me. Or have his veiny hand on the small of her back.

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