Teacher obsession

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I placed my yellow English book on the desk in front of me as the loud sound of the bell rang. "I heard the new teacher is hot" My best friend, Sofia, said about the new English teacher, though I took it with a grain of salt. "You said that about Mr. Wilson too, and he looks like an ancient frog" I replied which made her laugh and she admitted that she was wrong about him, but insisted the new teacher would be hot. "Do you two have something to share with the class?" A deep voice said, making me look to the board to see my new teacher, who was hot as hell. His hair was a dark brown, and was gelled back like Danny from Grease's was, his eyes reminded me of coffee with chocolate in it, and the way he had unbuttoned the first 3 buttons of his white shirt made my knees weak. This for sure was the last time I'd ever doubt Sofia again, cause she was right, and I wasn't even mad about it. "No sir" I answered nervously while I felt my palms get sweaty, luckily no one noticed my nervousness and everyone continued with the lesson.

My friends and I sat in the shadow of the old oak tree to get away from the burning sun. I hated that I was wearing a blue skirt and a black long-sleeve with knee-high socks; it was just too hot in the summertime. I pulled down my knee-high socks in an attempt to get cooler. I wanted to complain but before I could complain about the hot weather Sofia spoke. "The new English teacher didn't live up to my expectations" What the hell was she going on about? I had never in my life seen a hotter guy than the new English teacher. "He's fine, I just can't remember his name," another of my friends said, making me want to tell him the name as quickly as possible but I didn't want to seem weird. "I think it's Mr. Turner? Or something like that at least" I responded trying to seem as normal about it as possible. It didn't take long before the conversation switched to the weather though my thoughts couldn't stop from going back to Mr. Turner.

When I got home that day I picked up my poem book which I hadn't picked up in months. I wanted to write in it so I could get feedback from Mr. Turner, just so I could talk to him. I found my pink pencil and began thinking, I made it intentionally bad so I could get a lot of feedback and maybe use the same tactic again. I began writing and the words just flew out of me, I had always loved writing, I would even write silly stories, but stopped when my friends found out. I thought it was embarrassing so I packed it all away, but I was willing to embarrass myself to talk to Mr. Turner, I just found him too attractive not to.

I got to English class 10 minutes before class, and there he stood, writing on the board what we were gonna learn in that class. "Mr. Turner?" I interrupted him making him turn to look at me with a smile. "Yeah, what's up?" He spoke in a soft tone, his voice always hit me like a bullet - in a good way of course. I snapped out of it and got out my notebook from my bag. "So, I recently picked up a habit of writing poems and my old English teacher would give me feedback, I was just wondering if you could give me feedback on my newest one?" Almost that whole sentence was a lie, but whatever, he agreed to give me feedback, so I couldn't care less. I handed him the notebook and when he took it from me our fingers brushed against each other making me blush a bit, hoping he wouldn't see.

"The writing is beautiful" He complimented my work as he read the first few sentences. "Though it gets sloppy as you go on, and more boring, like you're giving up" He criticized me. Normally I didn't write like that, but I did in that poem just so we could talk about it. "Though that could be intentional, is it?" He added and looked down at me with his brown eyes, I got lost in them for a second before replying with a no. If the bell hadn't rung then I would've looked into his eyes for the rest of my life. "You could work on that, though it's good." I smiled at him and took my notebook, turned around but before I could walk away he spoke. "Oh, and I'd be happy to give you more feedback" he flashed me a smile which made me smile back at him, before walking down to my seat. He was too hot, and sweet, but he was my teacher...

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