Mend The Bond [Brave] 1

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Chapter 1 | Where We Are Now

Some say our destiny is tied to the land
as much a part of us as we are of it.

Others say fate is woven together like a cloth.

So that one's destiny intertwines with many others.

It's the one thing we search for or fight to change.

Some never find it.

But there are some who are led.

The story of how Maverick's father lost his leg to the demon bear, Mor'du, became a legend.

Maverick became an older brother
to three new brothers.

The Princes,
Hamish, Hubert, and Harris.

'Wee devils they are.

Maverick has become a good example as a future king. He's got duties, responsibilities, and expectations. His whole life is planned out preparing for the day he becomes king.

The queen, Elinor, is in charge of every single day of his life. Even if he is a good example...

"A King must be knowledgeable about his kingdom," Elinor explained but stopped when Maverick wasn't listening but doodling. She abruptly grabbed the piece of paper and looked at it. "He does not doodle," she held the paper up to him. It was funny enough that the doodle was doing the same thing she was doing. In the corner of the paper, however, is a cute doodle of Y/N.

"Does not stuff his gob!"

"Rises early."

"... is compassionate."




"And above all, a king strives for righteousness."

He seemed quite annoyed with being a prince, a future king even. But years later, he's gotten better. He still resents his mother though.

For me, however, I don't have
my whole life planned out.

"Aye, Robin, Jolly Robin, and thou shalt know of mine," Y/N enunciates her words. "Very good. Very good! Always remember that you must be understood from anywhere in the room," M/N announced with a smile.

"A girl should not slouch," M/N straightened Y/N's back. "Legs close," M/N noticed Y/N's legs open when sitting down. "Men always see that as an invitation," she added. "We'll get you out of those pants," she pointed out as Y/N looked down at the pants she always wore. Y/N doesn't mind dresses, but she likes pants more.

"She shouldn't eat so much."

"A girl must be proper."

My mother means well, but she can be a bit strict.
She only wants me to act like that when other royals come to the palace.

So, I understood that.

Every once in a while, there's a day when I won't be a "normal" girl. No lessons, no expectations, no work. A day where anything can happen. A day I can spend time with my best friend and change my fate.

Y/N ran and slapped Maverick's head. "Oi!" He held his head and glared at her. All she did was laugh and quickly got onto her horse. He rolled his eyes and got on his as well. And they went off.

Love Merida, but I don't want to
lose my love of the movie like I did with Frozen.
Maybe when the pressure is gone.

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