33. Mitch

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Some changes occured in Mitch's and Avi's life.

Even if the paparazzi had cancelled their watch around their home during the days spent in Avi's cabin, Avi was sure that some of them would come back to stalk them. At his request, Esther had prospected to find a new apartment, and she finally found a little house in a quiet area on the edge of the city. Mitch felt a little sad at the beginning, if not slightly guilty.

- And why would you?!

- Our relationship doesn't make your life so easy...

- Neither yours! Remember: I'm the weird one for people, he added with a wink.

- Avi! Don't say that!

- Don't say silly words then, little angel, smiled Avi. People's crazyness isn't ours. We began our story here, that's true,but it was at first Kevin and I apartment, so... I find it nice to move in a new home with you. C'mon, let's go and see if you like it!

Mitch smiled at him, relieved. It was like each of them could always find an answer to the other's anxieties...

Two days after the Ellen Show, they moved into their new home, and in the evening, they were enjoying their new place, resting in the couch and watching a movie. When the movie was over, Mitch turned to Avi.

- You didn't really tell me how it was with your parents. So many things happened these last two weeks!

Avi remained silent at first, he seemed to gather his thoughts.

- Avi? I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have asked...

- It's fine, Mitch. You're right, we didn't have much time to talk about this. Mom has been wonderful. It's not easy for them, you know. It was more than unexpected, and so far from their way of thinking. But she asked me to tell her about you... to make her know you through my own eyes.

Avi smiled softly at Mitch, remembering this afternoon with his mother.

- She told me I made her want to get to know you better.

Mitch flashed him a moved smile.

- And your dad? he whispered.

Avi's gaze turned away, his smile slowly fading.

- It's not so easy for him. It's against all his beliefs. At least, he told me he was able to understand that my feelings for you were deep and sincere. But he can't meet us for now...

- I'm sorry Avi...

Avi turned back to him and opened his arms. Mitch snuggled against him, almost laying on his lap, looking at him with a concern gaze. A small smile tugged at Avi's lips.

- Don't be Mitchie. I didn't know what to expect from him, but I was ready for worse, you know. Mom helped a lot, for sure. He told me he would need time. It means he didn't close his mind. That's the most important.

After a short silence:

- Actually, the most important is you by my side.

He leand down to kiss Mitch, who wrapped his arms around his neck almost desperately.

- Don't worry more than me, you promise? whispered Avi.

- I love you Avriel, was all what Mitch was able to answer.


Two weeks later, the album was officially released. The pre-orders had been successful, and 24h later, the album peaked at #1 in the Bilboard charts.

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