2. Long story

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They were walking back to Avi's car. Mitch seemed pretty nervous and Avi asked him if he was okay. Mitch didn't answer at first, but finally said he had something important to tell him. Would he accept to stop in he public garden nearby to talk a little? Avi agreed, a little surprised.

They found an uncrowded corner and Mitch, after putting his bags on a bench, stood up in front of Avi, unable to look at him directly. The words weren't coming easily...

- I wanted to ask you... We often joke together, on internet or even in real life, as if we were flirting... You just told me... I souldn't let anyone hurt me... I know you don't mean to, but... I wish we stop this. It hurts too much. (raising his eyes to finally look at Avi) It's getting too hard to pretend. I'm sorry. I don't ask for anything, just to stop this.

- Hard to pretend? Mitch...

Mitch let escape in a whisper:

- I love you.

He blushed suddenly, and covered his mouth with both hands, whining "I'm sorry! Forget it!"

Avi looked at him in the eyes, deeply. Without a word, he removed Mitch's hands from his mouth and cupped his face in his own hands. He gently wiped with his thumbs the tears that had begun to roll down on Mitch's cheeks. Mitch closed his eyes, and suddenly felt a light kiss on his lips...

When Avi pulled away, seeing Mich's face quite stunned, he spoke softly:

- I think I've been feeling the same for a while, I just couldn't admit it...

- What... do you... mean? stammered Mitch.

- I've always been straight Mitch, you know that. But I've tried to figure out what was happening to me during the last months. I'm not attracted by any man... except you. I don't understand it but it's true....

And he kissed him again, with more passion. Mitch grabbed his shirt with both hands as if he was drowning and desperately trying to hold on anything he could reach.

Feeling Mitch's legs weakening, Avi grabbed his shoulders in one arm and picked up his legs with the other, carrying him towards the bench next to them. He sat down with Mitch on his lap and held him in a tight cuddle. They stayed here for a while, without a word, Mitch's head resting on Avi's chest...

- Avi... is this really happening?

- Yes, whispered Avi.

- But... can we? I mean... What will it change in our band? And what about the fans? And... your family, he ended in a muttering tone.

- About PTX, answered Avi slowly, there's so much love between us that I don't worry. They will be more than surprised I guess, but they love us, I'm sure they will accept us easily. About the fans... You know that some of them are shipping "Mavi"?

Avi's voice seemed so moved, saying that word.

- I know... I didn't dig into it that much, it was too painful!

- I did. Sometimes. When I was too much despaired, blowed Avi. Seems some of them could picture us together effortlessly. Sometimes I was wondering if they were able to read in my mind!

He squeezed his arms around Mitch.

- And about my family... I don't know yet, Mitch. The only thing I'm sure about now is that I feel so happy and relieved with you in my arms!

He ran his fingers in Mitch's hair, while Mitch snuggled closer against him with a deep sigh. Almost shyly, Avi asked :

- Would you... would you come home and have dinner with me this evening? Kevin won't be here, he's visiting Soraya's parents with her. He will come back late.

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