24. Avi's plans

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When Avi woke up this monday, the sun was barely rising. He went downstairs and got into the kitchen. His father was already here, making some tea.

- Good morning Avi.

- Good morning dad.

- I'm sorry for yesterday. I had told you we would talk, but I wasn't ready.

- It's okay. I understand.

- I'm ready now. Here's some tea, let's go outside.

Once they were sitting around the garden table, his father gazed at him thoughtfully.

- I've been through a lot yesterday. What's happening to you is weird for me. It goes against all my beliefs. I've been appalled at first, listening to you. I prayed a lot in the evening. Yesterday, I've been walking in the mountains.

He remained silent for a moment, reliving his day, his eyes staring blankly ahead of him . Avi was waiting, keeping his eyes trained on him.

- I've been angry. A lot. I couldn't understand how you could behave like this, despite having been raised by us. And I was thinking that these friends of yours were guilty in a way. I had appreciated them, but I knew about Mitch and Scott. And you've been with them all the time for four years now!

Avi was waiting.

- Then I've heard your words again in my head. I've heard it was a matter of love. I've felt that you were speaking with your heart. I was able to recognise my son in your words. I prayed again.

Avi's face softened.

- When I came back home, I wasn't sure to be able to talk with you yet, and I must say that, despite my promise, I was relieved when Esther told me you were still outside with your mother. When she joined me later, she told me what you've been talking about.

He looked back at Avi, an imperceptible smile finally lighting up his face.

- I've been moved by your words, as much as her. Your mother is wonderful. She knows what is important, she knew what to ask you.

After a last short silence:

- I understand in a way, what you feel. And I can see you didn't really change. I've always been proud of you, son, and you're still the young man I know, and respect, and love.

Avi felt his throat tighten with emotion. I understand what you feel.

- I know you weren't asking for our approval Avi. You're old enough to run your own life as you like. I appreciate that you've taken this time for us. But this is a lot for me. I don't think I could meet you together for now... I will need a lot more time than your mother. You can come here with him, but I won't be there then.

Avi felt a shade of sadness wrapping around his relief.

- I didn't need your approval to decide what to do, but I wished to feel understood, because I respect and love you. It means a lot that you don't judge me, or Mitch. I will wait for the day you'll feel ready to meet him officially.

They both stood up, and his father took him in his arms.

- I'll pray for this day to come. I wish you to be happy, Avriel. God bless you.


Avi and Esther went back to L.A. right after lunch. Esther was driving, and Avi spent half of the time texting on his phone. First of all, he told Mitch that his father would need time, but didn't disown him, without giving him much more details. After a few other messages, he took a much needed nap. Esther remained silent, slightly smiling. It was a matter of time. She knew it wouldn't be easy for Avi to handle the current slight crack in his relationship with his father, but he had made his choice. He wasn't a kid anymore.

They were at Scott's in the end of the afternoon. As soon as Avi appeared in the living room, Mitch literally jumped into his arms. He even didn't kiss him at first, he was just resting in his embrace, eyes closed, his face buried in Avi's neck. Avi hold him tight, silent and eyes closed, his lips pressed on his temple.

- Hey Mitchie! Can we greet him too, please?

Mitch giggled, pulled away a little, kissed Avi firmly and let him go.

- Here he is Scott! But don't be too long, added Mitch with a wink.

Avi chuckled and went to hug everyone.

- Avi! Come here! I need to hug you!

He caught Kirstie who was running to him, lifting her in his arms and turning around. They were both laughing happily and she kissed him on the cheek loudly. When he put her back on her feet, Kevin came to him and hugged him warmly.

- Mitch told us. I'm so happy for you Avi! I know how important it was for you to have your parents on your side.

- They will need time, but they understand, and in a way accept, what I feel for Mitch. It's all what I needed.

Avi's voice was soft and peaceful, his smile lighting up his eyes. Scott pulled him into his arms in turn.

- Welcome home, dragon-bird! I didn't know anymore how to calm down your little angel!

Avi punched Scott's shoulder friendly and everyone in the room burst out laughing. Alex and their other room mates came to hug him too,while Scott and Esther were bringing some drinks on the coffee table. Everyone sat down, Mitch snuggled against Avi who had wrapped an arm around his waist. The conversation was cheerful.

After a while, Avi gazed at Mitch intensely. Then he turned back towards their friends and said:

- We need a day. The two of us. We'll be back on Wednesday morning, at the studio, and we'll be ready to make this video.

- Of course Avi. Take your time. We've already been working on it, we'll tell you our ideas on Wednesday. I'm sure we can have it ready for Friday next week. It would be nice to be able to release it then, it's a meaningful day for our fandom.

Avi smiled and stood up, grabbing Mitch's hand and pulling him up.

- Thank you Scott, it's perfect. Now, sorry guys, but we must go. I've got plans...

- You've got plans? You didn't tell me a single word in your texts!

- Surprise, little angel, surprise!

- Have fun, guys! exclaimed Scott.

Mitch giggle happily, Avi wrapped an arm around his shoulders and they went out, tightly embraced.


They didn't say a word during the short drive to their home. When they were inside, Avi led Mitch in their bedroom.

- Please, choose something you feel pretty with and get dressed. I need a quick shower. When you're ready, wait for me in the living room.

- You really have plans!

- I'm taking you on a date tonight, and then... I'm going to kidnap you!

He kissed him greedily, pulled away, smiling, and stormed out to the bathroom.

When Mitch saw him getting out from the bedroom a little later, he gazed at him, slightly dazzled.

- Hey handsome!

- Hey beautiful!

Mitch smiled. Showing the two bags Avi was carrying:

- What are these bags for?

- For tonight and tomorrow. We won't come back here.

- You mean you packed some things for me?

- Yes. And you won't have a look for now, smirked Avi.

- You're so mysterious!

Avi's gaze turned serious. Mitch wrapped him in his arms and reassured him.

- I like it Avi! I feel so special...

A wide smile enlightened Avi's face.

- You are special to me. Come on my Prince, we are expected.

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