19. ACA

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When they came back to L.A., the A Cappella Academy retreat had already begun.

Avi left PTX as soon as they arrived, to join Mount St. Mary's College and the twenty two adult students waiting impatiently for him. The rest of PTX would join him on Sunday, for a performance at the end of the retreat.

Avi called Mitch the first evening and shared with him his first impressions about the students. He seemed happy to discover new talents and share his experience with them.

On friday, Mitch received a short text:

Can we skype?

He smiled at first, happy to be able to see Avi while talking to him. But he soon frowned when he saw Avi's face.

- Is there something wrong, Avi?

- Well... I don't know what to do.

Mitch gazed at him patiently.

- There's this woman, in the staff. She was already there last year. And she'll be here during the next session, with the teens. Her name is Madison. She's efficient, nothing to say against her.

Another silence.

- She almost asked me out, Mitch!

- Woah! What do you mean almost?

- She asked me if I would like to go for a walk on the beach this evening. I remember her from last year, she was already trying to get closer to me on any occasion...

- Is she pretty? asked Mitch with a wink.

- Mitch!

- Sorry! I was trying to cheer you up. You seem so serious! You didn't accept, obviously, he added with a soft smile. Why are you so upset?

- I don't want any drama, we don't need this. I don't know how to tell her nicely... unless telling her about you.

- And you won't. No one has to know for now, Avi, we agreed on this. What did you tell her today?

- That I was still too tired from Tour, and it's true anyway. But what if she asks me again tomorrow? And there will also be the next session!

- Tomorrow evening, you will have you big party on the beach with all the students, won't you? Just manage not to be alone in a corner.

- I was forgetting it! I'm loosing my mind, seems so, sighed Avi.

- You're such a kid right now! giggled Mitch. And on Sunday, we'll be here. I'm sure you can ask Kevin for some advice. He's still your bro, isn't he? I'm sure he'll find a way.

- You're right Mitchie. I'm sorry, I freaked out.

- I like it, smiled Mitch. You're cute when you freak out about a woman!

- You're laughing at me!

- I miss you...

- I miss you too! You know what? I love what I'm doing here, but I can't wait to go back on Tour, we'll be closer than now.

- We'll be together next week, Avriel, whispered Mitch. I love you.

- I love you, little angel.

- You should try to get some sleep now.

- I'm going to join you in my dreams...

Mitch blew him a kiss and Avi answered the same way. They stared at each other silently for a moment, then they both placed a fingers on their keyboards and cut the call at the same time.

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