8. The Crew

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On wednesday, they were ready to tell the Tour crew. Scott had warned every person who would come with them that there would be a special meeting this morning at the studio, concerning the coming Tour.

The five friends arrived half an hour earlier, and while Avi and Mitch were going to the private room, Scott, Kirstie and Kevin gathered in the nearest Starbuck, to let them a private moment...

The two young men were quite emotional. Avi because it was a weird feeling to imagine himself facing all those people who knew him, and tell them such surprising and unexpected news. Mitch because he was well aware of the challenge it was, and he was deeply moved by his courage.

They were cuddling on one of the couches, Mitch on Avi's lap, in a tight embrace, silent. Mitch whispered:

- Are you sure you want to do this, Avi?

- Yes I am. Anyway the meeting is settled now, he said with a wink. But that's not the reason. I love you. I have no shame about it, Mitch. Some of the people whose opinion matters the most to me have welcomed us in the nicest way. I'm just aware that this will be a big scoop! (He chuckled.) But I'll be fine.

"I love you."

Mitch couldn't get tired of hearing these words. He pulled Avi in a soft kiss, before nesting back his head on his shoulder, while playing with Avi's hand which was resting on his lap. This is how their friends found them when they came back from the Starbuck.

Without a word, they shared a group hug, a little like how they were doing before their shows. Then they joined the members of the crew who were coming little by little, sitting here and there in the studio, waiting for the meeting announced by Scott.

But it was Avi who spoke. He explained in a few words, holding Mitch's hand in front of everyone, what was happening to them. And Mitch added that they asked for their help to keep it secret for now.

A moment of silence followed. Kirstie was standing beside Mitch, Scott and Kevin behind them. Team PTX.

Then friendly smiles appeared on many faces. One by one, these people who had become their friends while working with them, came and hugged the two young men and congratulated them, promising to keep their secret safe.

Some of them left, the others staying for rehearsal.

Ben Bram came towards them.

- I understand why you were so distracted yesterday! I must say I'm pretty impressed by you too, he added looking at Mitch and Avi. Knowing what was happening these last weeks, you've stayed focused on work, and I appreciate it. And now from the friendship side... Avi, my friend, I can't say I'm not surprised, I am, a lot. But when I see your face now, and when I remember your change of mood this month, well... I'm happy for you two!

He hugged them both in the same embrace, with a warm smile. Avi felt relieved. After Esther and Kevin, Ben was the one whose opinion had worried him the most.

- Back to work now!


Things were getting serious, so close from the beginning of the Tour, and with the Grammys related events beginning in a few days.

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