21. The time has come

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Two days after the end of the Kelly Clarkson Tour, Avi and Mitch invited their friends for dinner. Kirstie, Kevin and Scott. It was the first time they were all gathered here since Mitch has moved in with Avi, and besides the pleasure it was, they all knew it wasn't a simple dinner between friends. That's why Jeremy, Soraya and Alex weren't there. It would be for a next time.

After the meal, they settled around the coffee table, on the couch or the armchairs, and Avi spoke.

- You know why we asked you to come. In May, I promised Mitch that we would make our relationship public after this Tour. We felt the need to talk about it with you, because it will have an impact on PTX, for sure.

Mitch, who was sitting next to Avi, suddenly stood up and looked at him, showing his lap.

- I need to be here or I'll be a useless mess before the end of this.

A little taken aback, Avi opened his arms and welcomed him. Turning slightly in profile, he closed his arms around Mitch and giggled.

- You know Scott Hoying is sitting in front of us and staring, right now.

- I don't care. As long as I'm here, anyone can say anything, I'm fine.

And he winked at Scott while sticking out his tongue.

- Okay guys, you are becoming hard to tease! laughed Scott happily. You are too strong for me!

Everyone laughed with him, and the tension they weren't even aware of suddenly vanished.

- What do you have in mind, Avi?

- If I'd been dating any woman, I would have simply let some photos appear here and there, the Pentaholics would have tear up a little and then be happy for me. If I'd been dating Kirstie - I mean, a single version of Kirstie of course! - many of them would have been more than happy to say "At least! I was sure it would happen!"

They all giggled, both because of these words and for Avi's smirk while saying them.

- Pentaholics are cute, indeed!

- Yes they are, smiled Avi. Then, if I'd been dating any guy, I would have done like for a woman. This would have been like a little earthquake in the fandom, I guess, but... Actually, it's Mitch. That's why I think we must say something officially.

- I wonder if it wouldn't make it easier, to be honest.

- What do you mean Scott?

- First, speaking of Pentaholics, you know some of them have always shipped you both...

- Yes, blushed Avi, but some of them only, and they didn't really think it could be real. I've never said anything else than "I love girls"...

- You know what? intervened Kirstie, I think that they'll really feel happy for both of you, after the first moment of surprise. Scott could be right. They love each of you, and what is better than knowing that someone you love is with someone else you love too?

A little silence followed. They were all thoughtful. Mitch had intertwined his fingers with Avi's on his lap and was smiling softly.

- I think you're right, finally spoke Kevin. I must say it was much easier for me to figure out you were in love with Mitch than with any other man. Even if I would have accepted it eventually, he added with a warm smile. But it was easier, for sure.

Avi tightened his grip around Mitch's frame, and Mitch closed his eyes for a moment, relaxing himself in his embrace. Then Avi went on, with a soft smile.

- If you think so... So, it's a matter of how we say it.

- I have an idea.

- Of course you have! chuckled Avi. You always have an idea, he added with a friendly smile.

- It's my job, isn't it?!

- Shoot! laughed Kevin.

- You remember this summer, when we were talking about singing your song on stage?

Avi nodded. He felt a slight shiver running through Mitch's body and sqeezed his hand slightly. Scott went on slowly.

- We know Mitch suggested to sing it with Kirstie because you couldn't sing it yourself at the moment. But what if... we arrange it again, with both of you at the lead, as it should be... record it like this for the album, and make our first video as a double announcement? For the new album, and about you two...

Mitch snuggled up even more in Avi's arms, obviously deeply moved, tightening his grip on his hand. Avi closed his eyes and slowly brushed his other hand on Mitch's arm, with little movements, as if he was comforting himself as much as Mitch.

Opening his eyes, he answered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

- That's a wonderful idea... I think I didn't like it, that we record this song like we've sung it on stage. It would have been a kind of betrayal. I... Thank you Scott.

- I know, I didn't whish to record this version either, said Scott. But I thought it would kinda introduce this song to the fans, and they would understand later what it really means. It was a way to get them prepared.

- I like it! exclaimed Kirstie with a cheerful tone. Scott, you're the best!

Scott blushed suddenly. Kevin punched him friendly on his shoulder, smiling widely.

- I like it too, Scottie. It's a perfect idea, indeed. And I see you've had it in mind for long. I'm impressed! But we all need to hear Mitch now. Mitchie?

Mitch moved slowly. He raised his free hand towards his face and rubbed his eyes, obviously wiping some tears about to flow. His head was still resting on Avi's shoulder. He tried to speak but failed at first, not able to make any sound. He sighed deeply.

- I love you all, he said slowly with a still shaky voice. This song... It was about a crazy dream.... I was sure it would remain a dream. I was about to get rid of it at the end of last year. And now... Oh my God! Avi I love you!

He raised his head, turned himself in Avi's arms, wrapped his own arms around Avi's neck and kissed him hungrily, oblivious of all their friends around them.

When they finally pulled away, Avi breathed against his lips:

- I love you too, little angel.

- I guess this was a yes, chuckled Kevin gently.

- They would make me cry! exclaimed Scott wiping his eyes rather roughly. I see what you meant when you said you would be a mess! But I feel you, angel-bird, he added tenderly.

- Now, we know what we'll be working on tomorrow! said Kirstie happily. I gladly give you back your part Avi, and I can tell you now I was waiting for this moment so much! I've been happy to sing it on stage because it's a beautiful song, but I knew I was doing it only to protect your secret.

Placing his hands on Mitch's waist, Avi pushed him gently to make him stand up, and so did he. Their three friends stood up as well, and they gathered in a tight group hug.

All had been said, it was time to make it happen.

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