ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 51: TᕼE ᗷᒪᑌE TIᗪE

Start from the beginning

"Who is she, and why is she demanding an explanation so adamantly?" Delilah scoffed, irritation evident on her face as she stood up, glaring down at Elena. Raymond focused his attention solely on Elena, trying to calm her down.

"Miss Elena, please, I implore you to go back home and wait for Kelan's explanation! It's not my place to explain this to you," Raymond said with determination, facing a woman who seemed unable to fully grasp her reality. Delilah's next words then caught Elena's attention.

"What does my husband have to explain to this woman? Who is she, O'Connell?" Delilah asked as she approached them, startling Raymond.

"He's married? And here I was, thinking he was the most perfect man I had ever met! What a joke!" Elena said as a tear escaped her eye. She swiftly turned around and ran towards her car. Delilah went to the door to watch the woman who had just left with a heart feeling shattered.

"Keilander Benedict Angelos Cruze.....you will have to explain a lot of things to me!" she thought, clenching her fists as she watched the woman's car disappear into the distance.

As Elena made her way back home, she was consumed by a deluge of tears. Crying was the only way her heart could communicate the depth of her pain when words failed her. The tears that truly hurt were not the ones streaming down her cheeks and enveloping her face, but the ones falling from her soul and drowning her spirit.

She drove recklessly, desperate to escape the piercing light that now felt like a cruel reminder of her fleeting happiness the night before. It was as if the world was taunting her for daring to smile and feel joy. With a heavy heart, she let out a guttural cry and pounded the steering wheel in a frenzy of raw emotion.

"WHY... KELAN... WHY DID YOU PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS?!" Her voice cracked with hysteria as she abruptly stopped the car at the curb in front of her house. Tears had streamed down her face the entire way home, leaving it drenched and raw. Lost in her grief, she continued to cry, oblivious to the vehicle approaching in the distance.

When her tears finally began to subside, she lifted her head, her eyes swollen and burdened with grief, to see a figure making its way toward her car.

"Oh... Father?" Elena gasped at the sudden recognition. Hastily grabbing a tissue, she frantically wiped her tear-stained face before her father could approach the car. The sound of tapping on her car window made her start, and she slowly lowered the glass to meet his gaze.

"I've been waiting for an hour for you to answer your phone! Why don't you pick up any of my calls?" His voice held a hint of frustration as he peered at her, taking in her disheveled appearance. Elena appeared as though she had just rolled out of bed after a rough night. Avoiding his gaze, she turned away, attempting to shield her face.

"I'm sorry... my phone must have been on silent mode! I apologize for missing your calls, Sir!" Elena's voice was filled with regret as she realized that she had returned to Kelan's house to retrieve her phone. James sighed and closed his eyes in frustration.

"We need to talk! Let's go inside," he said, briskly heading towards the gate. Elena hurriedly locked her car and followed him. As the minutes passed, she made a conscious effort to keep her emotions in check, focusing on attending to her father's needs.

"Here you go, Sir," she murmured softly, handing him his cup of green tea, knowing it was one of his favorites. He smiled gratefully as he accepted it, inhaling the soothing aroma of the herbal drink. Elena returned the smile slightly as she settled into a seat across the room.

"It tastes delightful, El!" he remarked after taking a small sip of the tea. She nervously brushed her hands against her thighs, returning his smile.

"Now... the reason I wanted to talk to you! I heard that you let go of your business partners, Erica and Clover?" His expression was curious as he brought up the topic. Elena felt her chest constrict, making it even harder to breathe.

"Yes, Sir! I have decided to lead on my own! Things have been looking up these past few days," she declared with unwavering determination, hoping for his approval and support. To her surprise, the reaction she received was quite the opposite.

"Elena, who will take over the business after you marry Jack? Shouldn't you be leaving it in trusted hands, like your friends who are also the largest shareholders of the company after you?" His tone was stern as he challenged his daughter's choice. Elena's eyes widened in disbelief, searching for an answer to her father's unexpected interrogation. This was definitely not the path she had envisioned for herself anytime soon.

"Sir, I don't understand. Why should I step down or give up something I am fully capable of continuing even after getting married?" she countered, prompting a sly smirk from her father.

"We had agreed that you would spend your honeymoon abroad, particularly attending psychological therapy sessions in Romania!"

"I mentioned that I was going to figure out how to persuade Jack and his parents for both of you to go abroad for about a year until I assume the role of president of this country!"

"But now, with Jack's assault case, the situation has changed, making it easier to find a reason for you to go abroad!"

"I have persuaded the Carters to send their son to a recovery facility in Romania after the wedding. Jack will require all the support he can get to recover, so it would be only logical for you to accompany your husband to Romania at that time!" He stated firmly. Elena felt a lump form in her throat as she realized his intentions. He desired for her to finish her rehabilitation swiftly so he could be rid of her once more. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to hide the turmoil churning within her.

 Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to hide the turmoil churning within her

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It seems like Elena is a great threat to her father's presidency. He insists on getting rid of her once again.😔

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