Home - 2

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In this safe haven, amidst the whispers of serenity and laughter, two souls.

Two souls, as different as night and day, as different as bitter and sweet... find harmony.

A harmony that is of a symphony of an everlasting bond.

For in the embrace of this angelic respite, a discovery of even the most contrasting spirits can dance together in the radiant light.

A bright and burning light that absorbs all the warmth of their shared moments, painting the canvas of their journey with hues of joy and understanding.

Just along the way of their journeys to brave Huntresses, the unforgettable shall develop.

The future the world holds for them can be unforeseen.

Time must be used wisely, however even the most precious and perfect souls deserve rest on vacation.

Even angels.

A long sigh escaped from the snow-haired girl's mouth, "They couldn't have at least smoothen the roads?" she brushed off some non-existent dust from her shoulders.

Her teammate however, didn't even listen to a single word, she was already speeding off down the dirt path.

"W-wait, Ruby!" she snatched up her white luggage case and jogged after her, "We just spent HOURS on a loud airship, an hour in processing, and then HOURS on a clumsy horse, I need a minute to rest!"

"What? Can't keep up with the fastest person in the world?" Ruby chimed and finally slowed down. Giggling as she watched her partner nearly trip over a rock in the ground, "Come on, Weiss, there's no time for staring at sticks and stones! We've got a dog to see! And dad!"

Weiss stared up at her team leader and sighed quietly, "My head's still a bit dizzy from that horse ride. I've been in plenty of other horse carriages before but not one where roads are not even considered roads. AND the airship ride was not up to my standards."

"That's the charm of my hometown! And also Patch and the continent of Sanus in general, but it's so GREAT to be back!" Ruby spun around in a flurry of roses. A petal landed on top of the ivory hair of her teammate.

She plucked the rose petal from her head and stared at it, "I still can't believe you convinced me to- urgh, not again!"

Ruby was already speeding off, yet again.

So hyper, she chased after her.

She was light on her feet and was able to catch up to her silver-eyed team leader, only then she finally decided to do just a calm walking pace.

Finally then, Weiss was able to observe her surroundings.

Her light-blue eyes panned around the environment of the dirt path.




Green was everywhere.

Tall and luscious green grass blades.

Mighty and lengthy green trees.

Clustered and packed green bushes.

But also hints of other colors decorating among them.

Red and blue berries.

Red and green apples.

Vacation of Angels (Whiterose)Where stories live. Discover now