Come Away with Me - 1

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Ooh boi, where do I even begin?

RWBY is literally the reason I got into fanfiction.

Now, this account may seem like there's barely any stories but that's because this is a second account that's turned into my main one!

I had another account before this, with at least 20 different fanfictions, all based on RWBY. (unfortunately that account is LONG gone)

RWBY's opposite attracts pairing... Whiterose.

Ruby and Weiss.

Interesting, I guess!

I always loved the dynamic ever since I binge-watched RWBY.

It was a fateful day. I was sick and had to stay in bed from school.

I was always a fan of Rooster Teeth and watched their other content, but never got into RWBY. I always saw little clips of it at the end of video segments or passed by the "funny montage" videos.

With being stuck in bed, I decided to give it a go, considering it was premiering a volume at the moment.

And before I knew it... I sped through 6 volumes that day.

I... was... hooked...

I watched ALL the trailers and shorts ALL the way from the beginning to the third-to-last episode of Volume 6.

And I felt so disappointed that I had to wait a week for an episode to come out. And then even MORE disappointed about how long I have to wait for Volume 7.

This was a show I watched over... and over... and over... and over... again.

I was absolutely in love with it.

RWBY may have its flaws, but I think that's part of its charm.

And so, I present the reason why I got into fanfiction. This ship.


Just a reminder, still FAR from a professional writer so things might not be as detailed and perfect like other stories, or it's sloppy or hard to follow.

Even after writing around 20 stories in the RWBY universe, I still think my writing's far from perfect.

Another reminder! This Nagasawa-inspired story takes place between Volume 1 and Volume 2, however I will be using elements from the later Volumes, such as family, for better development in this story.

Anyways, enough of this non-story chit chat!

Hope you enjoy!

It was nearly absolute silence in the cozy room.

In fact it had been like this state for many hours.

It was not long ago when the Headmaster gave his speech and the whole student body went cheering.

Quickly the whole campus emptied to a skeleton crew.

All the main transports were already away and only a regular-scheduled airship would pass by now and then.

Besides that, it was all quiet in Beacon Academy.

Not even the nature outside made a noise, and the city of Vale just outside the windows was far enough where the cars and commotion wasn't heard.

Vacation of Angels (Whiterose)Where stories live. Discover now