Happy Halloween | Abbott Elementary

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~Melissa Schemmenti~

I've been working at Abbott for about a year now. I was only supposed to sub but then I ended up liking it here. Abbott is a special place with some... special people. I'm not naming names of course because I love them all but I will say I am partial to one person in particular, Melissa. I felt a connection the second I met her, I just tried not to show it.

Of course she was tough at first and frequently scowled at me whenever I said something but I sort of liked that. I felt like that 'aggression' she was giving off was just her way of not appearing soft but I could see right through it all. After about two weeks of persistency, we became pretty close and she even smiles at me now.

It didn't take long after we got closer for me to start noticing other things about her. Like the fact that she almost always wears leather pants. I'll admit it was the first thing I noticed because—well she looks amazing in them. I often have to force my eyes away from her, god forbid she caught me staring; she'd probably think I'm sizing her up or something and I don't wanna have to explain that.

Anyway, I'm really excited to see what she wears today. Today is more special than others because it's Halloween! Everyone dresses up and unfortunately I missed it last year because I came right after, so this is my first experience with it. As I lock up my car and throw my bag over my shoulder, I fix my outfit in the side mirror. I decided to come as Monica Rambeau, no specific reason other than she's pretty.

That's not entirely true; it's because it was an easy costume to put together and there was no need to be the 'black version' of someone else. I enter the school and I can already hear some commotion but it's the everyday stuff so I sigh in relief. I look up to see our little group standing in the hallways together and I smile but it quickly drops.

My jaw falls open as Janine steps aside for something and I get a glimpse of Melissa. She laughs and turns, revealing to me that under her red cape she's wearing a bodysuit but with leggings of course to be appropriate. "Oh hey, y/n! Look at you, get over here" Janine says and I put on a smile as I forcefully will myself to move closer to them.

"And who are you?" Barbara asks, "oh come on Barbara, she's obviously Monica Rambeau" Jacob says and she simply shrugs. "Awww that's so cute, ya'll matching" Ava says as she passes by in what I assume to be a storm costume, she honestly looks really good. "Oh yeah... they are friends, aren't they" Melissa finally speaks and I just nod with a smile, "you sure you guys didn't plan this? Cause it's perfect" Janine exclaims.

"No, Janine. No one would coordinate costumes except for you... and him" she points to Jacob who purses his lips in acceptance. The bell rings and we all start to go our separate ways but I can't keep my eyes off Mel as she walks away. Her hair seems extra styled today and it bounces, shining even in the poor lighting of the school halls.

I hurry to my class before my kids destroy it and go on with my job, that costume of hers never leaving my mind. She's just so pretty and I don't think I can physically handle being around her in that outfit. I mean of course I have self-control but... that woman does things to me I can't explain. The bell rings again to signal lunch and I see the kids off before slowly heading to the lunch room.

I crack open the door and see I'm the first one here, I sigh in relief as I quickly enter and grab my lunch before trying to hurry out. Before my hand can reach the knob it's being pushed open, the unmistakable sound of her laughter entering the room. I lock eyes with her and just stare, she looks behind her and then back at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You ok, sweetheart?" she asks and I simply nod.

Her hand is placed on my shoulder and she narrows her eyes "you don't look alright, why don't you sit down" she suggests but I shake my head in protest. "No, I'm ok I promise. I'm just gonna go eat" I tell her, "you're not eating in here with us?" she gestures behind me. "Not today, no. Sorry" I finally make it past her, "Hi, Mrs.Howard" I say as I pass her quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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